SCH Number 1999072056
Project Info
- Title
- Application to Appropriate Water No. 29462
- Description
- The project applicant seeks an appropriative water right to divert a total of 166 acre-feet per annum (afa) of water. The project includes the direct diversion from the Russian River underflow at a pumping rate of 0.65 cubic feet per second (cfs) for irrigation, stockwatering and fire protection. In addition, a reservoir will be constructed on an unnamed seasonal stream that is a tertiary tributary to the Russian River. The reservoir will have a direct diversion season from December 15 to March 31 and collect no more than 28 afa. The reservoir will also serve as the point of rediversion for any water that may diverted to storage from the Russian River underflow. The earthfill dam for the reservoir will be 300 feet in length, 24 feet in height, and have a surface area of approximately 2.22 acres when filled to the permitted storage capacity. The project is located near the town of Healdsburg, in Sonoma County.
2 documents in project