SCH Number 1995091032
Project Info
- Title
- 18903-ZC (Bonita Canyon)
- Description
- The CDFG has issued an Agreement Regarding Proposed Stream Alteration (SAA #5-058-00) ("agreement") to the Irvine Company ("applicant") in conjunction with the applicants proposal to alter the streambed for the development of a retail center on a 5.5 acre site, impacting 0.16 acre of stream bed (on average 10 feet wide from bank to bank by 700 linear feet) and an additional 0.19 acre of associated adjacent riparian habitat (mulefat and scattered arroyo willow). The stream bed is currently an ephemeral sandy wash with adjacent mulefat and arroyo willow vegetation associated with the wash. The applicant shall mitigate for the permanent loss of streambed and riparian habitat with the on-site creation of 1.0 acre of alkali marsh and mulefat scrub habitat at the southeast corner of Bison and MacArthur as described in the "Conceptual Mitigation Plan" dated 13 January 2000. The mitigation will expand an existing wetland at the mitigation site by 1.0 acre. The installation of the mitigation shall be done concurrently with the grading of the Bison / MacArthur Retail Center site.
4 documents in project