SCH Number 1988071329
Project Info
- Title
- NorthLake Specific Plan Amendment & Castaic Lake Public Golf Course
- Description
- CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA# 1600-2004-0205-R5) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, SunCal Companies. The applicant proposes to alter the streambed to develop the Northlake project which consists of approximately 1,330 acres of single and multi-family homes, commercial development, light industrial development, schools, parks, and open space, constructed in two phases. The proposed project is consistent with the Northlake Specific Plan, which was adopted by the County of Los Angeles in 1992. The Northlake project site contains approximately 9.40 acres of "Waters of the U.S. and State," of which approximately 3.77 acres are wetland. Jurisdictional waters within Grasshopper Creek total 8.0 acres, of which approximately 3.77 are considered wetlands. Grasshopper Creek is primarily vegetated with mulefat and upland habitat; however, the downstream portion of the creek also supports a cottonwood riparian forest. There are approximately eight tributaries to Grasshopper Creek on-site. The on-site tributaries to Grasshopper Creek total 1.40 acres of ephemeral waters and contain mulefat and upland habitat. The project will impact 7.04 acres of streambed and of which, 1.41 acres are wetlands. The Operator proposes to implement Phase I initially. When Plans are available for Phase II they shall be submitted to the Department for review, prior to the implementation of Phase II plans if the project impacts differ from those described in this Agreement. The project is located in Castaic in Los Angeles County.
3 documents in project