PLNP2024-00052 3501 and 3505 Bluff Court Boundary Line Adjustment
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sacramento County
Document Title
PLNP2024-00052 3501 and 3505 Bluff Court Boundary Line Adjustment
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project consists of a lot line adjustment to adjust the shared property line between two vacant residential lots.
Contact Information
Julie Newton
Agency Name
Sacramento County Planning
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Parcel #
260-0400-008-0000 and 260-0400-009-0000
Other Location Info
The project site is located approximately 700 feet south of the intersection of Bluff Court and Grant Avenue, in the Carmichael/Old Foothill Farms community of unincorporated Sacramento County.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
PRC Section 21084; CEQA Guidelines Sections 15300 -15333: CEQA Guidelines Section 15305 – Minor Alterations to Land Use
Reasons for Exemption
This project is a minor lot line adjustment not resulting in the creation of any new parcel. As such, the project qualifies as a Class 5 categorical exemption (Section 15305 of the CEQA Guidelines) for minor alterations to land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20 percent, which do not result in any changes in land use or density. The parcels extend into the American River which includes a relatively flat landside portion and steep bluffs leading down to the water. Therefore, the parcels have an average slope which is greater than 20 percent, however development is not permitted beyond the bluff edge where the greatest slopes occur. Per Section 4.7.4. of the Sacramento County Zoning Code (SZC), a Use Permit to the Planning Commission (UPP) along with a geotechnical study are required if development is proposed within the total 70-foot setback area shown in Table 4.1. of the SZC for properties within Erosion Zone 2. A UPP would trigger CEQA review at the time of development. Since the bluff area is not developable, the slope of the area of the parcel that is permitted to be developed is approximately 11 percent. For these reasons, there is no possibility that the proposed lot line adjustment may have a significant impact on the environment and is therefore exempt from the provisions of CEQA.
County Clerk