Santa Paula Creek Spur Dike Replacement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Ventura County Watershed Protection District
Document Title
Santa Paula Creek Spur Dike Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
With federal assistance and funding from USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) under the Emergency Watershed Protection Program, the Ventura County Public Works Agency-Watershed Protection (VCPWA-WP) is proposing to replace 10 spur dikes along Santa Paula Creek. The early 2023 storms produced heavy rainfall and caused major damage, flooding, and erosion along Santa Paula Creek. These storms damaged ten of the existing 24 spur dikes (originally installed in 2007 to provide erosion protection up to a 10-year flood event). Additionally, the banks of the creek eroded, endangering the agricultural land on the east bank and the residential homes on the west bank. The west bank was eroded as much as 130 feet, resulting in one residential structure being red-tagged.
Between October-December 2023, limited emergency work to relocate the low flow channel toward the approximate center of the floodplain, away from vulnerable eroded banks, and to move accumulated sediments from the center of the floodplain to the most substantially eroded portion of the west bank was completed under USACE Regional General Permit 63. The 2024 storms further altered the stream channel. The goal of the project is to rebuild the ten spur dikes in their original footprint along approximately 4,000 linear feet of Santa Paula Creek. Work in the channel will require stream crossings with culverts and redirecting two sections of the creek toward the center of the channel. Sediment will be excavated and graded as needed to install the spur dikes. The work will occur in three phases, depending on permitting, timing, and funding constraints. All spur dike structures will be comprised of ungrouted large rock, placed both above and below ground, to retard further erosion expected with high frequency, low-volume storm events. Biologists will be present to survey the work area. Project structures will not be maintained long-term as capital facilities.
Contact Information
Jeff Palmer
Agency Name
Ventura County Public Works Agency-Watershed Protection
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Parties Undertaking Project
Santa Paula
Cross Streets
Birch Street and Magnolia Drive
Total Acres
Parcel #
0400120245, 0400120335, 0400120340, 0400120390, 0400150195, 0400150215, 0400150225, 0400150255,
State Highways
150, 126
Santa Paula Branch Line Railroad
Santa Paula Airport
Mupu Elementary School
Santa Paula Creek, Mud Creek Canyon, Magnolia Drive Creek, and Santa Clara River
Other Location Info
The project is located along Santa Paula Creek in Ventura County, approximately 2.2 miles from the confluence between the Santa Paula Creek and the Santa Clara River, near downtown Santa Paula. It is east of State Route 150. The upstream portion of the project is located near Mupu Elementary School and the downstream portion is near the intersection of Birch Street and Magnolia Drive. Santa Paula Creek from Mupu School to 2.850 feet downstream
Other Information
The project area of Santa Paula Creek is largely within District Right-of-Way, although without a district-owned/operated facility, in the upstream portion of Reach No. 43062. Much of the downstream portion of this reach comprises a levee and bank protection flood control facility with a fish ladder constructed with the assistance of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15269 (a) and (c), Emergency Projects
Reasons for Exemption
Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency on January 4 and again June 16, 2023. President Biden declared a Major Disaster on January 15 and April 3, 2023, and State of Emergency on March 10, 2023. This project consists of specific emergency actions that would repair flood control structures “damaged or destroyed as a result of a disaster in a disaster stricken area in which a state of emergency has been proclaimed by the Governor” (Sec. 15269[a]), and would “mitigate an emergency” along the highly eroded areas damaged by flooding and erosion (Sec. 15269[c]). The proposed emergency actions are necessary to maintain public safety and protect developed properties and infrastructure. Additionally, the proposed project is funded by the Natural Resources Conservation Service for a situation requiring immediate action under its emergency Watershed Protection Program (7 CFR part 624).
County Clerk