Taylor Boulevard Zone Valve Installation Project in the City of Pleasant Hill
SCH Number
Public Agency
Contra Costa Water District
Document Title
Taylor Boulevard Zone Valve Installation Project in the City of Pleasant Hill
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project will install approximately 115-linear feet of new 8-inch water pipeline and a zone valve to connect Zone 1 (standard water pressure) and Zone 2 (higher water pressure) treated water system pipelines that run parallel to each other underneath Taylor Boulevard. The purpose of this project is to connect these two pipeline systems to improve the overall operational reliability of the Zone 2 water infrastructure located in this area. The higher-pressure Zone 2 water infrastructure is required to provide water service to the surrounding residential areas that are located at higher elevations. This project is entirely within the existing CCWD treated water service boundary, and since the parcels now receive CCWD water, the project would not result in an expansion of service.
The construction of this water pipeline is expected to take up to eight (8) weeks, starting in September 2024, and is expected to be completed by November 2024. This project consists of the installation of a new 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and a zone valve. These pipes will be transported in 20-foot sections to the area. Since the area is developed with residential single-family homes, the pipes will be stored in
small piles near the Canal in Reclamation right-of-way, to reduce disruption of both pedestrian and vehicular circulation. These 20-foot sections of pipe will typically be stationed in one place for a maximum of one week at a time. This is not a pipeline replacement project, so no service disruption due to pipe removal is expected. Construction in front of any one residence will only last a few days, so disruption to residences is expected to be minimal.
A backhoe will be used to dig a trench approximately two feet wide by four feet deep within the project area. The trench will be covered each night using metal trench plates; wood, metal and/or hydraulic shoring and bracing will be used as necessary to shore up the sides of the trench in all locations. These trench coverings and shoring materials will be stored onsite in an area that minimizes disruption to the surrounding residents. Once the pipeline is installed, the trench will be compacted and backfilled with excavated soils and the trenched areas within the streets will be repaved to match existing conditions.
If necessary, CCWD will add imported aggregate base and/or soils to these trenches to match the previously disturbed grade of the street.
It is expected that up to two (2) round-trip truck trips will be needed to transport the pipes and other material over the life of the two-month project. No more than 10 round-trip truck trips (5 one-way) will occur on any given day and will be typically spread out over a 9-hour work period, from 8 am to 5 pm.
The project will require obtaining an encroachment permit from the City of Pleasant Hill. The permit will be obtained before construction starts and will contain all City requirements for the work. There will be no street closures because of this project; a minimum of one lane of traffic will be maintained at all times. Flag persons will be on-site as necessary.
During the pipeline installation process, it will be necessary to flush the new lines, and up to 1,000 gallons of treated water may be discharged cumulatively during the life of the two-month project. This water will be dechlorinated pursuant to CCWD's Best Management Practices (BMPs), and then will be discharged into the City's storm drain system. This discharge will be covered under the Order WQ 2014-0194-DWQ GENERAL ORDER NO. CAG140001 Statewide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NP DES) permit for drinking water system discharges to water of the United States.
The following equipment will be used during construction: saw cutting machine, backhoe, backhoe trailer, excavator, dump truck, boom truck, and crew vehicles. As stated above, all construction materials and equipment will utilize laydown areas located within the public ROW and will only be stationed in one place for a maximum of one week at a time to minimize disruption.
The project site is within an area characterized by suburban residential housing and occurs on predisturbed roadways. Therefore, the project will not adversely affect natural resources such as open space areas, wetlands, and riparian corridors or areas of known cultural and historic resources.
CCWD will use the following standard CCWD conditions/Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect the environment:
1. All trash will be properly contained, removed from the work site, and disposed of on a daily basis.
2. CCWD will ensure that all raw construction materials, wastes, temporary fences, barriers, and/or flagging are removed and properly disposed of from the Project Area immediately following the completion of construction.
3. The storage and handling of hazardous materials within the Project Sites is prohibited and any unused or leftover hazardous products shall be properly contained and disposed of off-site.
4. Standard storm water BMPs shall be applied within 24 hours of a predicted rain event. No work shall resume until 24 hours after the storm event has ended.
Contact Information
Anna Chun
Agency Name
Contra Costa Water District
Job Title
Senior Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Pleasant Hill
Contra Costa
Cross Streets
Taylor Boulevard near Contra Costa Canal
State Highways
I-680, SR-242
DVC & Valhalla, Gregory Gardens, & Strandwood Elementary
Grayson Creek, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Canal
Other Location Info
This project is located in the public right-of-way (ROW) on Taylor Boulevard (Blvd) in the City of Pleasant Hill and in Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) right-of-way adjacent to the Contra Costa Canal (see attached Figure 1, Vicinity Map, and Figure 2, Location Map). The site can be accessed from the Contra Costa Water District's corporation yard at Bisso Lane by proceeding to Concord Avenue, turning left onto Contra Costa Blvd, then turning right onto Taylor Blvd.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, Section 15301(b) and 15304
Reasons for Exemption
This project involves "the operation, repair, maintenance ... or minor alteration of
existing public or private structures [and] facilities", where "existing facilities" are defined as "facilities of both investor-and publicly owned utilities that are used to provide public utility services.". Also, this project involves the "minor public or private alterations in the condition of land, water, and/or vegetation which do not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees except for forestry or agricultural purposes."
County Clerk
Contra Costa