Sonoma County Resource Recovery - Large Collection Facility


SCH Number
Public Agency
Town of Windsor
Document Title
Sonoma County Resource Recovery - Large Collection Facility
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project proposes to: 1) operate a Recycling Facility – Large Collection Facility; and 2) install an approximately 1,500 square foot receiving canopy on an existing 7,300 square foot building. Proposed operations consist of receiving, sorting, and consolidating recyclable materials for transport.

Contact Information

Kevin Locke
Agency Name
Town of Windsor
Job Title
Planner I
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
Redwood Court
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Highway 101

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Categorical Exemption, CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(c): and CEQA Guidelines Section 15332
Reasons for Exemption
The project was found to be exempt under Guidelines Section 15303(c): CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(c) allows for structures not involving the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding 2500 square feet in floor area. The proposed canopy addition would be roughly 1,500 square feet and the sorting, consolidating, and transporting of recyclable materials would not use hazardous materials. Guidelines Section 15303 also allows the conversion of existing structures from one use to another. A portion of the existing structure would be used for sorting recyclable materials. The proposed project was found to be exempt under Guidelines Section 15332: The Project site is designated as “Service Commercial” per Figure LU-1 of the Town’s General Plan. The Service Commercial designation is intended for land intensive business, personal, or travel services. The proposed Project is for a land-intensive business service. Also, a Large Collection Facility is an allowed use with a Use Permit in the Service Commercial Zoning District. The Project site is roughly 2.81 acres and located in the Service Commercial Zoning District within Town limits. The site on to the northern, eastern, and southern property boundaries are developed with urban uses and the SMART railroad tracks are located to the west of the project site. The Project site is developed with existing urban uses and is almost entirely paved or covered in impervious surfaces besides required landscaping. The proposed Project would be constructed on an entirely paved portion of the site and no trees would be being removed. The paved area would not have value as habitat. The Project would add one to five daily trips to and from the site for the transport of consolidated recyclable materials. Therefore, the Project would qualify for “Small Project Screening” per the Town’s Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Policy which screens out any projects for nonresidential uses with fewer than 110 daily trips. These projects can be presumed to have a less-than-significant VMT impact. The operation of the Project is required to comply with the Town’s Performance Standards which include standards for noise and air quality. All activities proposed for the use would occur within the existing and proposed metal structure, minimizing noise generated to the surrounding area. Construction of the Project is required to comply with the Town’s construction hours, which are included as a condition of approval. Therefore, resulting in less than significant impact to noise. Construction of the Project is required to comply with the 2040 General Plan EIR mitigation measure for Air Quality related to project construction, which reduces impacts resulting from project construction a less than significant level. This mitigation measure has been included as a condition of approval. Conditions have been applied to ensure compliance with the Town’s requirements related to water quality. Additionally, the Project is required to comply with the 2040 General Plan EIR mitigation measure for construction noise, which reduces impacts related to construction noise to a less than significant level. Construction of the Project is required to comply with the 2040 General Plan EIR mitigation measure for Air Quality related to project construction, which reduces impacts resulting from project construction a less than significant level. This mitigation measure has been included as a condition of approval. The Project is situated in an urban area already served by all necessary municipal utilities. There would be no change to the services provided on site. The Project was reviewed by the Public Works Department staff, who determined that the site can be adequately served by utilities and services.
County Clerk
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