La Goleta Microturbine Installation and Facility Modifications
SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
Document Title
La Goleta Microturbine Installation and Facility Modifications
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
SoCalGas requests a permit to install a new, 65 kW microturbine, upgrade the existing four (4) turbines, and install associated fugitive components at their La Goleta facility. The microturbines are used to provide power to the Goleta facility equipment. The new microturbine is being installed next to the existing units on an existing concrete pad that was previously constructed to accommodate a new future unit. The project objectives are to increase the reliability of the self-generation of power at the facility and increase the efficiency and power output of the existing units. The new (and existing units) are fueled with pipeline quality gas. Typically, one or two of the units will be on standby, allowing for more reliable maintenance but also allowing for all five (5) units to operate during peak power demands, reducing the demand for power provided by the grid.
Contact Information
Carly Barham
Agency Name
Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District
Job Title
Planning Division Extra Help
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Barbara
Southern California
Parcel #
Other Location Info
1171 More Ranch Road
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
General common sense exemption under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3). This section provides a “common sense” exemption for projects that do not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. The project has the potential to result in a minor increase in air pollutant emissions, but these minor increases are well below the District’s adopted CEQA significance thresholds for mass emissions of criteria pollutants or greenhouse gases. Specifically, the proposed project results in a total potential to emit (PTE) of 0.96 lb/day NOX, 0.67 lb/day ROC, 4.83 lb/day CO, 0.35 lb/day SOX, 0.18 lb/day PM10, 0.18 lb/day PM2.5, and 529.97 MT/yr CO2e. Given the project’s minor emission increases, the project does not trigger District Regulation VIII: New Source Review requirements for Best Available Control Technology or an Air Quality Impact Analysis. As required by Regulation VIII, an air toxics Health Risk Assessment (HRA) was conducted for the project. Based on these results, the operation of the microturbines does not present a significant risk. Although the project would normally qualify for an exemption from CEQA pursuant to the District’s list of exempt projects via exemption 1.a. given the project’s potential to emit is well below the District’s BACT thresholds of 25 lb/day per pollutant, the project is ineligible for this exemption due to the fact that the source is triggering emission offsets for the first time. The project has provided the required emission reduction credits to fully offset the project’s minimal emission increases. The project will comply with all applicable District rules and regulations and is therefore consistent with the 2022 Ozone Plan. The project is not anticipated to result in impacts to any other environmental resource area aside from air quality, and, as discussed, impacts to air quality are insignificant.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara