ADU and SB 9 Ordinance (File # PLN23-0035)
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Glendora
Document Title
ADU and SB 9 Ordinance (File # PLN23-0035)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Adopt an ordinance entitled: "An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Glendora,
California amending certain sections of Title 21 (Zoning) of the Glendora Municipal Code to bring it into
compliance with State law and streamline the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units and SB 9 units
consistent with the City's 6th RHNA Cycle (2021-2029) General Plan Housing Element (File# PLN23-0035)."
Contact Information
Mark Carnahan
Agency Name
City of Glendora
Job Title
City Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Other Location Info
Citywide ordinance
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The City of Glendora, as the lead agency, is responsible for preparing environmental
documentation in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). On December 13, 2022,
the Glendora City Council adopted a new General Plan Housing Element in compliance with the 6th RHNA
Cycle (2021-2029), and an Initial Study and Negative Declaration (IS/ND) were prepared [State Clearinghouse
#2017041043]. This zoning amendment is consistent with the changes considered in the IS/ND. Finally, the
amendments are mostly minor changes to development standards and/or general/administrative processes which
will not result in any significant effects on the environment. Therefore, the proposed Ordinance is exempt from
the provisions of CEQA pursuant to § 15060(c)(2), § 15060(c)(3), § 15378(b)(2), § 15378(b)(5), and §
15061 (b)(3). It is certain that the legislative act of amending the GMC will not have a significant, or any, impact
on the environment, and therefore is not subject to CEQA.
Specifically, the introduction and adoption of this Ordinance is not subject to CEQA pursuant to§ 15060(c)(2)
as the activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment
and § 15060(c)(3) the activity is not a project as defined in § 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines, California Code
of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3, CEQA Guidelines 15378(b)(2) excluding "continuing administrative ...
activities, such as ... general policy and procedure making" and § 15378(b)(5) excluding "organizational or
administrative activities of governments that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the
environment" from its definition of"project." Even if this Ordinance were a "project," it would be exempt from
environmental review under CEQA Guidelines § 1506l(b)(3)'s "general rule" that CEQA applies only to
projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Here, it can be seen with
certainty that there is no possibility that this Ordinance, in and of itself, will have a significant effect on the
environment. Finally, on its own, this action will not result in any physical changes to the environment.
County Clerk
Los Angeles