Drilling and Construction of Monitoring Well G6 – Indio Subbasin


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Document Title
Drilling and Construction of Monitoring Well G6 – Indio Subbasin
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Department of Water Resources Technical Support Services Program proposes to drill and install one single-completion monitoring well in a fenced, graded lot in the Indio Subbasin in cooperation with the landowner, Desert Water Authority. The purpose of the well is to fill data gaps within the groundwater monitoring network and provide hydrogeologic data. Construction of the wells is anticipated to last 2-4 weeks. Drilling will consist of initially setting a 16-inch by 50-foot permanent conductor casing to advance a 10-inch-diameter boring. The monitoring well will be drilled up to 400 feet below ground surface (bgs) in the shallow aquifer zone. Geophysical logging will be performed within the boring including: gamma ray; spontaneous potential; short-normal, long-normal and point electrical resistivity logs; vertical deviation; and a caliper survey. After the geophysical logs have been completed and formation samples evaluated, DWR will construct a target well screen of 250-350 feet bgs and seal for the location. All drill cuttings will be stockpiled on-site with the potential for re-use. Fluid and drill cuttings are expected to be nonhazardous and will be sampled and analyzed for constituents of concern prior to disposal. Should soil testing within the drill cutting reveal contaminants of concern above threshold levels, cuttings are to be disposed of at a designated waste facility. All drilling fluids and borehole water will be containerized in plastic lined roll-off bins and disposed

Contact Information

Vanessa Velasco
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist)
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cathedral City
Citywide, Countywide
Parcel #
State Highways
Palm Springs Airport
Agua Caliente Elementary School
Whitewater River

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Categorical Exemptions: Information Collection, Class 6, 15306, Title 14 CCR
Reasons for Exemption
A preconstruction survey was conducted which revealed no sensitive resources on the proposed Project site. The California Natural Diversity Database and USFW’s IPaC resource list indicated the known state listed threatened and endangered species with the potential to occur in the region according to the USGS 7.5’ quad are: Southwestern willow flycatcher, Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard, desert tortoise, Peninsular bighorn sheep, and Least Bell’s vireo. The proposed Project site was scouted for potential activity of these listed species or their habitat and none was found on the site. The perimeter of the project site is also fenced, which would inhibit land animals from entering the area. The project area does not contain trees and activities are not expected to impact nesting birds. Nonetheless if proposed activities occur during bird nesting season between February 15 – September 15, the DWR construction monitor will conduct a daily survey for nesting birds. If evidence of nesting birds is found, construction will halt until the birds conclude nesting behavior or measures are implemented to avoid any impacts to the nesting birds. The Cortese List was reviewed, and the proposed project is not within or impacting any landfills, contaminated, or hazardous waste sites. Visqueen or a similar type of plastic sheeting will be placed under all equipment to reasonably prevent minor equipment oil or fluids from dripping onto the ground. Water, fluids, and hazardous materials would not be expected to contact the ground. All construction activities will occur within the parcel and not require traffic control measures on adjacent streets. The Project will adhere to the noise ordinance set by the county and implement noise barriers if needed to avoid impacts to the community. Overall, no significant impacts would be anticipated for biological, air quality, noise, visual, water quality, land surface, or historic and archaeological resources.
County Clerk
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