SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mendota
Document Title
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The City of Mendota has approved construction and operation of a governmental facility for its own use. The Project Site (725 Rio Frio Street; Fresno Co. APN 013-222-14T) occupies approximately 0.50 acre at the south corner of Rio Frio and 7th Streets in downtown Mendota. The 7,220-square-foot (SF), single-story facility will house two components: an operations and office facility for the Police Department and meeting chambers and support areas for the Mendota City Council. The meeting chambers may also be used for other events requiring an assembly hall. Approximately 4,632 SF of the building would be dedicated to the police department, with the remaining 2,568 SF comprising the meeting chamber and related spaces. Although within a shared exterior wall, there are no internal connections between the two components. The police department (PD) will include separate offices for senior staff, records keeping, and administration along with a common office area for patrol officers and briefings. Other dedicated spaces include: a booking area, separate rooms for evidence intake, processing, and storage, two interview rooms, a holding room, an armory, a locker room (restrooms, showers) and restroom, a bunk room, janitorial, IT, electrical, and equipment storage rooms. Parking for the PD is provided at the southeast area of the site within a secured, paved parking area. The parking area itself is surrounded by a combination of six-foot tubular steel fencing, chain-link fencing, and concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall. The parking area provides 20 passenger vehicle spaces (including one ADA van-accessible space) and a bicycle parking area. The vehicle spaces will be shaded by solar carports. The parking area also houses a diesel-powered generator for emergency use. Five parking spaces for public use, including one ADA van-accessible space, are provided off of the alley towards the front of the building. Council Chambers and Event Room (Chambers)
will occupy the remainder of the building. This component of the building contains a lobby, two offices, two restrooms, and storage and utility rooms. The main meeting room contains an elevated dais with seating for 10 (City Councilmembers or similar, plus limited staff) along with removable seating for 72 in the audience area.
Contact Information
Jeff O'Neal
Agency Name
City of Mendota
Job Title
City Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California
Other Location Info
725 Rio Frio Street, Mendota, CA (Fresno Co. APN: 013-222-1 4T)
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 3 -15303 (c)(e), Class 32 - 15332 (a)-(e)
Reasons for Exemption
The City Council has made the following determinations pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303: The Project proposes to construct a 7,220 SF, single-story facility in an urbanized area, where 4,632 SF would be dedicated to the police department and the remaining 2,588 SF would be dedicated to City Council chambers and related spaces on a 0.5-acre lot. This building would be less than the 10,000 SF exemption
limit detailed in Section 15303.
The City Council has made the following determinations pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332: The Project Site is designated General Commercial by the City of Mendota General Plan Update 2005-2025 and is zoned C-3, Central Business and Shopping. This combination of planned land use and zoning allows the proposed use subject to issuance of a conditional use permit (CUP); the Planning Commission
will consider approval of a CUP prior to the City carrying out the Project. This is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations, it falls within the exemption detailed in Section 15332.
The proposed development occurs on a 0.5-acre lot surrounded by urban development in the City of Mendota. Since the Project is within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres and is surrounded by urban uses, it falls within the exemption detailed in Section 15332.
The project site is currently surrounded by urban development and appeared to have been a parking lot in the past as degraded asphalt was present during the biological survey. According to the Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) website maintained by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, there are no critical habitats at the project site. The site would not provide habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened
species, and it falls within the exemption detailed in Section 15332.
The project would not result in any significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Construction noise, emergency sirens and emergency generators are exempt from regulation and the Project would not substantially impact traffic or noise. The project would not generate emissions in excess of Air District standards. Water quality would not be harmed by project construction or operations. Since the Project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality, it falls within the exemption detailed in Section 15332.
Since the site can be served by all required utilities and public services, it falls within the exemption detailed in Section 15332.
The overall Project does not have features that would constitute unusual circumstances or other applicable exceptions to the exemptions.
County Clerk