Regional CropSWAP Program


SCH Number
Public Agency
Rancho California Water District
Document Title
Regional CropSWAP Program
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Rancho California Water District (“RCWD”) Regional CropSWAP Program provides financial support for the adoption of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) - such as crop conversions or upgrades, irrigation efficiency upgrades, mulching, and cover crops - to enhance agricultural efficiency, productivity, and environmental stewardship on existing agricultural and irrigated land throughout the approximate 272,980-acre project area including portions of Riverside and San Diego Counties. An estimated 500 acres of existing farmland within the Project Area may be upgraded through this program. Participants in the Project will receive funding through a collaborative partnership involving the RCWD, the California Department of Water Resources, Regional Partners, and the participating farmers.

Contact Information

Dan Ruiz
Agency Name
Rancho California Water District
Job Title
Director of Engineering
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Riverside, San Diego
Southern California
Other Location Info
The proposed Regional CropSWAP Program (“Project” or “Program”) includes an approximate 272,980-acre area throughout Riverside and San Diego Counties (“Project Area”). Individual projects could occur on farmland anywhere within the Project Area.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 (Class 1 - Existing Facilities)
Reasons for Exemption
The Project would involve the minor alteration of existing, private agricultural land and facilities, involving no expansion of use. To be eligible, the participant must be actively farming and have an intact and operable irrigation system on their farmland at the time of the application. As such, implementation of BMPs would not result in the expansion of the currently farmed boundaries of any properties or parcels within the Project area. As such, the Project would comply with the provisions as discussed under Class 1.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15302 (Class 2 - Replacement or Reconstruction)
Reasons for Exemption
The Project would involve replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and facilities (i.e., irrigation and fertilization systems) involving no expansion of capacity. To be eligible, the participant must be actively farming and have an intact and operable irrigation system at the time of the application. No expanded irrigation systems would be installed; only replacements and/or retrofits of the existing backbone irrigation infrastructure would occur. As such, the Project would comply with the provisions as discussed under Class 2.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304 (Class 4 - Minor Alterations to Land)
Reasons for Exemption
As stated above, the Project would involve the minor alteration of existing agricultural land and vegetation. The Program would not result in the removal of healthy, mature, or scenic trees, except for agricultural purposes where tree crops are replaced or stumped. As such, the Project would comply with the provisions as discussed under Class 4.
County Clerks
Riverside, San Diego
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