Fuel Management Reduction/Seasonal Wildfire Training


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)
Document Title
Fuel Management Reduction/Seasonal Wildfire Training
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) fire department jointly provides fire/emergency services to SOL/CMF which proposes to undertake, in coordination with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), fuel reduction measures on generally vacant state-owned land bordering the west and southwest of the two correctional facilities. The subject measures will be conducted in (1) flat to gently sloping areas close to prison support facilities and perimeter fences, and (2) the slopes of the adjacent ridge that ends at the edge of the state property. The former area contains seasonal grassland that poses a wildfire threat to the nearby correctional facilities and local residential areas. The grassland is predominately non-native weed species; no sensitive habitats are within the area to be treated. The second area consists of moderate to steep slopes descending from the end of the ridgeline that borders Lagoon Valley. The area contains a combination of mature oak woodlands and annual grasses. The woodlands contain only sparse understory grown. No wetlands, waterways, or sensitive species are present in the area to be treated. Fuel reduction activities will be managed to assure protection of the oak and other species of native trees/vegetation. The combined area to be treated has a low potential for unrecorded historic/pre-historic resources; the two existing historic structures within the treatment areas will be protected from damage. Two existing unpaved fire access/security patrol roads situated on the hillside will provide primary access for the fuel reduction activities on the ridge. These roads provide access over the top of the ridge and through the middle elevation of the oak woodland. Other constructed fire breaks are also present on the hillside within the oak woodlands. Existing paved/unpaved roads provide access to the lower grassland areas adjacent to the prison grounds. The fuel reduction activities will be coordinated with the SOL/CMF fire department, CAL FIRE, and local fire agencies to provide pre-wildfire season training and emergency response coordination; the training will also have the benefit of reducing the potential for uncontrolled fires during the summer/fall season. Local air management districts will be contacted prior to the initiation of training activities; erosion control measures, where necessary, will be implemented following completion of the fuel reduction activities.

Contact Information

Peter J Connelly, Jr
Agency Name
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Job Title
Environmental Planning Branch Chief
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Citywide, Countywide, Northern California
Cross Streets
Peabody Road and California Medical Facility Road
State Highways
Interstate 80
Union Pacific Railroad
Foxboro Elementary School, Cambridge Elementary School
Alamo Creek

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Categorical Exemption Class 4, CEQA Guidelines Section 15304 (J) (Fuel Reduction Activities)
Reasons for Exemption
The subject fuel reduction activities will provide increased safety to the ongoing operation of the two state correctional facilities and adjacent residential areas. The areas to be treated do not contain sensitive/rare plant and/or wildlife; post fuel reduction treatment will include, where necessary, erosion control measures to prevent significant erosion and sedimentation of local waterways. Appropriately spaced fuel clearance zones will be established and maintained for all structures, the perimeter security fences, administrative buildings and training areas of the two facilities.
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