Street Rehabilitation & Recycled Water Extension on Maria Drive


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Petaluma
Document Title
Street Rehabilitation & Recycled Water Extension on Maria Drive
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A new 12-inch recycled water pipeline will be installed from Maria Drive to Rainer Drive to provide recycled water to Lucchesi Park. Activities include trenching, pipe installation, backfill, compaction and temporary cold patch paving repairs. Maria Dr. between Rainier Dr. and S. McDowell Blvd will be restored using a 1.17 foot, full-depth reclamation including lime treatment of the subgrade in areas and an overlay of up to 4.2 inches of hot mix asphalt design. Forty-four existing, non-compliant curb ramps will be improved to ADA standards, street lanes narrowed to reduce vehicle speeds, and Class 2 bicycle lanes installed. Traffic calming elements such as striping, bulb-outs, and crosswalks at each of the four-way intersections will be installed to reduce speeds during turning movements. Sidewalk bulbs-outs will be installed to accommodate street tree planting. The construction will occur from March through July 2024 and is expected to have a duration of approximately 90 working days and will occur within the public right of way with temporary lane closures to accommodate work.

Contact Information

Paul Geoghegan
Agency Name
City of Petaluma Public Works, Transit Division
Job Title
Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
Maria Drive, between Rainier and S. McDowell
State Highways
101, 116
SMART Railway
Petaluma Municipal
Petaluma City School District Schools
Petaluma River, Lynch Creek

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article 19: Section 21084; Class 15301 and Class 15302
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of installation of a repair and replacement to an existing public street and installation of a planned recycled water pipeline in the City of Petaluma. All improvements will occur within or immediately adjacent to the existing public right-of-way in areas previously disturbed and developed with public improvements. The project will extend the existing recycled water pipeline for non-potable landscaping irrigation at Lucchesi Park, repair deteriorated pavement on along Maria Drive, provide intersection improvements, striping for crosswalks, upgrade to ADA standards, and increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety. There is negligible or no expansion of use beyond what currently exists and there are no cumulative impacts, unusual circumstances, or other factors that would make the exemption inapplicable. Therefore, this project is exempt under Section 15301 (c and d), repair and maintenance to existing deteriorated and non-compliant public streets, and Section 15302 (c), construction of facilities involving negligible expansion of capacity.
County Clerk
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