Upper Struve Slough Enhancement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Watsonville
Document Title
Upper Struve Slough Enhancement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Upper Struve Slough Enhancement Project is a multi-benefit ecosystem and watershed restoration project. The Project’s primary purpose is to reduce flood risk over an eight-acre area, improving conditions for at least seven (7) parcels. The project would also improve water quality through stormwater capture and infiltration, and restore and enhance native habitat by removing invasive vegetation, planting native species, and implementing wetland watershed protection measures. The Project includes the following objectives: • Capture urban run-off directly from culvert outfalls and redirect it to retention ponds or bioswales; • Reduce erosion and flooding on adjacent properties by implementing bank stabilization measures; • Enhance and restore native wetland and riparian habitat by removing invasive vegetation; • Alleviate flooding within adjacent residential areas, roads, and other stormwater and public utilities infrastructure by implementing flood and flood risk reduction measures; and • Provide a public demonstration of urban run-off and watershed restoration best practices. The Project supports the City’s overall goal to develop habitat and water quality improvement projects within the Struve Slough watershed, which is listed as an impaired waterbody by the State of California. Additionally, the Project aligns with the City’s Climate Change Resiliency Measures and Climate Action Plan.

Contact Information

Alexander Yasbek
Agency Name
City of Watsonville
Job Title
Environmental Projects Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


Santa Cruz
Northern California
Parcel #
Other Location Info
Upper Struve Slough

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15333 (c), Class 33
Reasons for Exemption
The Upper Struve Slough Enhancement Project includes addressing historic habitat loss and degradation by creating a modified widened channel and modifying the floodplain, constructing a new bioswale to carry runoff to the slough, constructing a new secondary flow channel, and installing a vegetated rip-rap slope. In total, within the 0.95-acre project area, approximately 0.84 acre of floodplain and supporting willow riparian woodland would be restored through grading and recontouring. Because the habitat restoration activities and water quality enhancements included within the Project do not exceed five (5) acres in size, and because the exceptions to using the exemption do not apply to the Project, the Project is considered Categorically Exempt from CEQA.
County Clerk
Santa Cruz
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