Approval of Support for Annexation to the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District for Vandeman
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
Document Title
Approval of Support for Annexation to the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District for Vandeman
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is support of annexation to Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District (District) for property owned by Melodee Vandeman located at 840 and 845 Horn Avenue, Glen Ellen, California. District staff has determined that there is sufficient sewage collection and treatment capacity to provide sufficient number of Equivalent Single-family Dwelling billing unit of public sewer service to each Parcel when annexed. District staff has determined that in order for public sewer service to be provided to this parcel, a sewer main extension must be constructed that would connect to an existing main that serves a small number of existing uses. No capacity issues within the existing collection system are anticipated
Contact Information
Connie Barton
Agency Name
Sonoma County Water Agency
Job Title
Senior Environmental Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
The properties are located at 840 and 845 Horn Avenue, (Assessors Parcel No. APN 054-270-015 and APN 054-270-018) in Glen Ellen, Sonoma County, California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301(b), Existing Facilities, and Section 15303(d), New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
Reasons for Exemption
The project will allow for annexation of the property to the District and for the construction and connection of a sewer main to an existing public sewer service that involves negligible or no expansion of an existing or former public use. The project would not involve alteration of the existing treatment plant to accommodate the additional equivalent single-family dwelling. The improvements are of reasonable length and allowable on the legal parcel. There is no expansion of use as a result of the project.
County Clerk