Grand Ave and Sangston Dr Traffic Signal


SCH Number
Public Agency
Riverside County
Document Title
Grand Ave and Sangston Dr Traffic Signal
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The County of Riverside Transportation Department is proposing to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Sangston Drive in the Lakeland Village area of Riverside County. Grand Avenue is a 2-lane minor arterial that travels in the South-East to North-West direction. Existing pavement width on Grand Ave is approximately 62-68’ wide with 12’and 26’ through lanes, curb and gutter on the west side and a 6’ graded shoulder on the east side. Sangston Drive is a 2-lane local road that travels in the South-West to North-East direction. Existing pavement width is approximately 38’ wide with 12’ through lanes and 2’ paved shoulders. The project limits are 300 feet north and south on Grand Avenue and 300 feet west on Sangston Drive of the intersection of Grand Ave and Sangston Dr. The proposed project will also include: • Utility adjustments if needed • Trimming of trees • Signing/striping modifications, and installing traffic signal poles • Removing existing pavement • Excavating slope and subgrade, saw-cutting, grading, and curb ramps • Signal mast arms, cabinets, conduits, pull-boxes, and other traffic signal equipment.

Contact Information

David Castro
Agency Name
Riverside County TLMA
Job Title
Associate Transportation Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Lake Elsinore
Cross Streets
Grand Ave and Sangston Drive
Lake Elsinore

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 (c) (f)
Reasons for Exemption
The project proposes to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Sangston Drive in the Lakeland Village area of Riverside County. The project in its entirety is consistent with Section 15301(c) because it does not create additional traffic lanes and involves no expansion of use of the existing roadway and associated facilities. It is also consistent with Section 15301(f) because the addition of a traffic signal is a safety device.
County Clerk
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