Issuance of General Lease – Dredging – Lease 6675


SCH Number
Public Agency
California State Lands Commission
Document Title
Issuance of General Lease – Dredging – Lease 6675
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Authorize issuance of a General Lease – Dredging to the Applicant beginning August 1, 2023, for a term of 5 years, to dredge a maximum of 10,000 cubic yards (cy) of sediment per 2,500 linear feet of adjacent levee, per parcel, per year; but not to exceed a maximum of 75,000 cy sediment annually over a 5-year period from San Pablo Bay, Petaluma River, San Antonio Creek, Novato Creek, Sonoma Creek, Tolay Creek, Napa Slough, Second Napa Slough, Third Napa Slough, Hudeman Slough, Steamboat Slough, Schell Slough, and Railroad Slough.

Contact Information

Cynthia Herzog
Agency Name
California State Lands Commission
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Marin, Sonoma
Northern California
Other Location Info
Sovereign land in the bed of San Pablo Bay, Petaluma River, San Antonio Creek, Novato Creek, Sonoma Creek, Tolay Creek, Napa Slough, Second Napa Slough, Third Napa Slough, Hudeman Slough, Steamboat Slough, Schell Slough, and Railroad Slough in Marin and Sonoma Counties.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CLASS 4, MINOR ALTERATIONS TO LAND (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15304)
Reasons for Exemption
Issuance of a 5-year General Lease – Dredging will only cause a minor physical change in the environment and will not change existing activities in the area. There is no reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. Therefore, the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and the above categorical exemption applies.
County Clerks
Marin, Sonoma
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