FIFRA Section 18 Crisis Emergency Exemption: for use of afidopyropen on cotton to control lygus outbreaks and potential whitefly outbreaks
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Document Title
FIFRA Section 18 Crisis Emergency Exemption: for use of afidopyropen on cotton to control lygus outbreaks and potential whitefly outbreaks
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This emergency exemption, valid for up to 15 days, is necessary to avert significant losses by the California cotton industry due to an unprecedented infestation of Lygus bugs. Current Lygus counts are massive compared to typical years. Due to the immense, continued pest pressure, currently registered pesticides are not able to provide adequate control. The timing of the infestation and the growth stage of the cotton is now critical and will result in 20% or more yield losses in affected areas. The registered product Sefina® Insecticide (afidopyropen) is only currently registered to allow for two applications on cotton to control Lygus infestations when more may prove beneficial in controlling severe Lygus outbreaks. It is also probable that the constant, high usage of currently registered pesticides will adversely impact natural predator survival which in turn will cause a cascade effect and lead to a large emergence of both aphid and whitefly populations in the latter half of the cotton production season. This may negatively affect subsequent cotton quality and lead to “sticky cotton” which can severely affect the resulting prices growers can sell their cotton for. Allowing for an additional third usage of Sefina will help greatly in controlling both lygus and whitefly surges through the remaining portion of the cotton growing season, which in turn will help to mitigate further damage to California’s cotton harvest. Please see Attachment for additional information.
Contact Information
Jennifer Teerlink
Agency Name
Department of Pesticide Regulation
Job Title
Assistant Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Tulare
Southern California
Other Location Info
Cotton fields in Merced, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Kern Counties
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
This emergency exemption, valid for up to 15 days, is necessary to avert significant losses by the California cotton industry due to an unprecedented infestation of Lygus bugs. Current Lygus counts are massive compared to typical years. Due to the immense, continued pest pressure, currently registered pesticides are not able to provide adequate control. The timing of the infestation and the growth stage of the cotton is now critical and will result in 20% or more yield losses in affected areas. The registered product Sefina® Insecticide (afidopyropen) is only currently registered to allow for two applications on cotton to control Lygus infestations when more may prove beneficial in controlling severe Lygus outbreaks. It is also probable that the constant, high usage of currently registered pesticides will adversely impact natural predator survival which in turn will cause a cascade effect and lead to a large emergence of both aphid and whitefly populations in the latter half of the cotton production season. This may negatively affect subsequent cotton quality and lead to “sticky cotton” which can severely affect the resulting prices growers can sell their cotton for. Allowing for an additional third usage of Sefina will help greatly in controlling both lygus and whitefly surges through the remaining portion of the cotton growing season, which in turn will help to mitigate further damage to California’s cotton harvest. Please see Attachment for additional information.