Jefferson Murrieta Apartments
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Murrieta
Document Title
Jefferson Murrieta Apartments
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project proposes a Development Plan permit for the development of the site for 852 units of multi-family residential and a Tentative Parcel Map (38568) for the subdivision of 31.69 gross acres into two parcels. The residential units would be provided in 16 four-story buildings with a height of 50 feet. The residential buildings would include units ranging from one-to -three bedroom units and include 329 one-bedroom units, 485 two-bedroom units, and 38 three-bedroom units. The total amount of parking spaces provided for both parcels amount to 1,791 spaces in combination of tuck-under, carport, and surface parking. Grading activities would result in approximately 307,300 cubic yards (CY) of cut material and 424,100 CY of fill material, resulting in a net import of 116,800 CY. In addition, the project proposes roadway improvements to Jefferson Avenue and Murrieta Hot Springs Road including two new signalized intersections.
Contact Information
Jarrett Ramaiya
Agency Name
City of Murrieta
Job Title
Deputy Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
William Morrison
Agency Name
Job Title
Director, Development
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Cross Streets
Jefferson Avenue and Murrieta Hot Springs Road
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
I-15, I-215
Murrieta Elementary School, Alta Murrieta Elementary School
Yoder Wash
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15183 Project Consistent with a Community Plan, General Plan, or Zoning
Reasons for Exemption
In conjunction with its adoption of the City's General Plan 2035, the City of Murrieta has previously certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Murrieta General Plan 2035 (SCH No. 2010111084), certified July 2011 (2011 EIR). With its adoption of the General Plan Update, the City certified the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Murrieta General Plan 2035 (SCH No. 2010111084) in June 2020 (2020 SEIR) (General Plan EIRs). These General Plan ElRs analyzed anticipated growth in Murrieta, including development of the project site with residential uses, and specifically identifies that the City will use the General Plan ElRs to streamline environmental documentation for future development projects. The project site has a General Plan land use designation of Commercial in the Murrieta General Plan 2035 and is within the Community Commercial Zone with a TOD Overlay that allows multifamily residential development at a minimum of 30 du/ac. The project would develop the 31.69-gross acre (25.34 net acre) site with 852 multifamily residences, which is consistent with the project site’s General Plan designation. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21083.3 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15183, and as demonstrated by the 15183 Initial Study Checklist prepared for the project, the project is exempt from further environmental review because the project is consistent with the General Plan designations of Commercial with TOD overlay analyzed in the General Plan EIRs and would not result in any impacts peculiar to the project site that are not evaluated in the General Plan EIRs and/or mitigated by application of uniformly applied development policies, including General Plan policies, or standards adopted by the City or incorporated into the General Plan ElRs and there is no new information not known at the time the 2020 SEIR was certified that shows that the Project would have a more severe impact than described in the General Plan ElRs. No additional or different mitigation measures beyond those identified in the General Plan EIRs are required.
County Clerk