PA-2300082 - Waiver
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Joaquin County
Document Title
PA-2300082 - Waiver
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A request for a Waiver of Development Title Section 9-200.030 to reduce the required 15' side yard setback for accessory buildings in the R-R (Rural Residential) zone to 9' to allow for the construction of a detached accessory building. The property line abuts the City and County of San Francisco Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct easement. This property is not under Williamson Act contract.
Contact Information
Alisa Goulart
Agency Name
San Joaquin County Community Development Department
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Joaquin
Northern California
Parcel #
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15303 Class 3 and Section 15305 Class 5
Reasons for Exemption
Processed under the provisions of the California Code of Regulations Section 15303, which are exempt from CEQA.
This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15303. Class 3 Categorical Exemptions includes a list of classes of projects that have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and that are, therefore, exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Section 15303 lists Class 3 projects, which include “construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures: installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structure.” The proposed accessory building is a small structure with no expected significant effect on the environment and, therefore, the project is not subject to CEQA.
Processed under the provisions of the California Code of Regulations Section 15305, which are exempt from CEQA.
This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Guidelines Section 15305. Class 5 Categorical Exemption states that projects consisting of minor alterations in land use limitations in areas with an average slope of less than 20%, which do not result in any changes in land use or density, including minor lot line adjustments, side yard and setback variances not resulting in the creation of any new parcel are exempt from CEQA review.
County Clerk
San Joaquin