Tahoe City Public Utility District Petitions (Project)


SCH Number
Public Agency
State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Rights
Document Title
Tahoe City Public Utility District Petitions (Project)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project involves the State Water Resources Control Board's (State Water Board) approval of petitions for change and petitions for extension of time filed by Tahoe City PUD. Tahoe City PUD and its customers are the beneficiaries of the Project. The water rights affected are permits 13531, 14331, 14334, 14337, 14572, 14746, and 14931. Tahoe City PUD has filed a petition for change and a petition for extension of time for each permit. The petitions for change request changes to the points of diversion and place's of use of each permit, and changes to the purposes of use of five of the permits. There are existing diversion facilities at the five proposed points of-diversion, four of which are currently in use and the fifth of which is not currently in use but has previously been in use. The petitions- for extensions of time request that the date of completion of beneficial use of water under the permits be extended to a date twenty-five years from the date of the State Water Board's Order approving the petitions, however the Stale. Water Board has determined that an extension of time to December 31, 2044 is appropriate. The purposes of the Project are to reconcile the permit terms with Tahoe City PUD's actual uses and to provide Tahoe City PUD with additional time to put water to beneficial use under the permits.

Contact Information

Steve Marquez
Agency Name
State Water Resources Control Board
Job Title
Sr. Water Resource Control Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Tahoe City
El Dorado, Placer
Countywide, Northern California
Other Location Info
The Project is located in Tahoe City PUD's service area on the western shore of Lake Tahoe.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, § 15301, Class 3, § 15303 and Class 4, § 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The Class 1 categorical exemption applies because the diversion facilities already exist at the points of diversion and the Project will not expand the existing or former use of the facilities but will reconcile the permits with Tahoe City PUD's actuaI uses. The Class 3 exemption applies to the fifth proposed point of diversion, which has existed for many years and was formerly in use but is not currently in use. The Class 4 exemption applies to minor alterations associated with the Project (e.g., actions to bring the fifth proposed point of diversion online). The exceptions to CEQA's categorical exemptions do not apply.
County Clerks
El Dorado, Placer
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