Santa Clarita Commerce Center Project

2 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Santa Clarita
Document Title
Santa Clarita Commerce Center Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Zoning designation and General Plan land use designation are both Industrial (I). The site is approximately 22.3 acres and is currently vacant.
Document Description
The Project would involve the construction and operation of four industrial/warehouse buildings, totaling 430,407 square feet on 22.3-acre Project Site. Building 1, in the eastern portion of the Project Site, would be 262,522 square feet; Building 2, in the southwestern corner of the Project Site, would be 49,308 square feet; Building 3, in the northwestern corner of the Project Site, would be 78,467 square feet; and Building 4, in the northeastern corner of the Project Site, would be 40,110 square feet. The Project Site was previously subdivided, graded, and developed with storm drain infrastructure as part of a prior approval; the Project consists of developing the buildings and associated improvements on the existing site. Each building would contain two floors of office space for a combined total of approximately 26,000 square feet. Project tenants have not been identified; however, the proposed buildings would accommodate standard warehousing uses. Cold storage or storage of significant quantities of hazardous materials is not anticipated. The proposed office space is intended for the general internal office use related to the industrial/warehouse operations. The Project would be operational 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. The proposed buildings would be built as tilt-up structures, with concrete walls and varied rooflines. Building 1 would have a maximum height of 55 feet, and the other three buildings would have a maximum height of 50 feet. The design of the proposed buildings would include concrete panels painted in brown and gray tones, horizontal line patterns, and windows made of vision or spandrel glass, as well as accents provided by anodized awnings and mullions. In addition, all four sides of each building’s facade would incorporate architectural treatments, including varying reveals, texture, materials, insets, and paint. Other associated on-site improvements would include a truck court with a loading dock at each building; 174,844 square feet of landscaping (with 255 trees and groundcover) spread across the Project Site; 526 parking spaces, including standard, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)–compliant, and electric vehicle parking stalls; 64 bicycle parking spaces; and exterior lighting. Access to the Project Site would be provided via Springbrook Avenue off of Oak Ridge Drive. Six driveways would be located off of Springbrook Avenue to access the proposed buildings.

Contact Information

Andy Olson
Agency Name
City of Santa Clarita
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Santa Clarita
Los Angeles
Citywide, Countywide
Cross Streets
Railroad Avenue and Oak Ridge Drive
Total Acres
Parcel #
2836-076-001, -016 and -017, -023 through -028. and 2836-006-029
State Highways
Metrolink, UPRR
Valencia Valley ES, Meadows ES, Newhall ES, Old Orchard ES
Santa Clara River

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Industrial (Sq. Ft. 430407, Acres 22.3, Employees 229)
Local Actions
Use Permit
Project Issues
Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Geology/Soils, Tribal Cultural Resources
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End
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