Frontier Project 5288548
SCH Number
Public Agency
Modoc County
Document Title
Frontier Project 5288548
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Applicant proposes the installation of 80,660 feet of fiber optic cable by means of underground placement located along County Roads 54 & 60, in Modoc County. The project has two buried sections. Section one begins approximately 740 feet north east of the intersection of County Road(CR) 54 and CR 60 on the south bound shoulder, and continues south for 678 feet where it crosses CR 54 and continues onto CR 60 for 321 feet where the terminus is located at existing pole 16. Section two begins approximately 2,608 feet from the intersection of CR 54 and CR 60 on the north bound shoulder of CR 60, and continues south along CR 60 for 79, 661 feet until the Project’s terminus at an existing pole.
Contact Information
Sean Curtis
Agency Name
County of Modoc
Job Title
Interim Planning Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
County Road 54 and County Road 60
Other Location Info
Section one begins approximately 740 feet north east of the intersection of County Road(CR) 54 and CR 60 on the south bound shoulder, and continues south for 678 feet where it crosses CR 54 and continues onto CR 60 for 321 feet where the terminus is located at existing pole 16. Section two begins approximately 2,608 feet from the intersection of CR 54 and CR 60 on the north bound shoulder of CR 60, and continues south along CR 60 for 79, 661 feet until the Project’s terminus at an existing pole.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301(c) Existing Facilities
Reasons for Exemption
This project is located within an existing transportation and utility corridor and consists of upgrading an existing copper facility to broadband.
County Clerk