P22-00565 Development Permit


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Fresno
Document Title
P22-00565 Development Permit
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Development Permit Application No. P22-00565 proposes a ±204,979 square-foot two-story warehouse with ±23,349 square-foot ancillary office space, truck wash, and truck maintenance shop on a ±14.78 acre vacant site. In addition, on and off-site improvements are proposed including but not limited to two (2) new drive approaches, 273 parking stalls, 54 truck trailer stalls, outdoor patio area, fencing, landscaping, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. The project will be utilized as a distribution facility with storage, offices, and truck repair for a food and beverage company (Reyes Coca-Cola Bottling, LLC) . The project will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The property is zoned IH/UGM (Heavy Industrial/Urban Growth Management Area)

Contact Information

Thomas Veatch
Agency Name
City of Fresno
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
Southwest corner of East North and South East Avenues
Parcel #
329-090-16, 17

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines 15183
Reasons for Exemption
Applicable to the proposed Project, a Program EIR (PEIR) (SCH #2019050005) was prepared for the 2021 GP Amendment No. P19-04226 (2021 GPA). The 2021 GPA continues the implementation of a majority of the General Plan as approved in 2014, except for specific text changes to the Mobility and Transportation Element related to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) analysis, and an update to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. The PEIR consists of the Draft PEIR from March 2020, the Response to Comments documents from July 2020, the Recirculated Draft PEIR from March 2021, and the Response to Comments documents from July 2021. The proposed Project would be consistent with the GP designation of Employment – Heavy Industrial, as described above. The PEIR assumed full development and buildout of the Project site, consistent with the uses and development standards proposed by the Project. The cumulative impacts associated with buildout of the City as envisioned in the GP, including the Project site, were fully addressed in the PEIR. CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 allows a streamlined environmental review process for projects that are consistent with the densities established by existing zoning, community plan or general plan policies for which an EIR was certified. As noted above, the proposed Project is consistent with the land use designation and densities established by the Fresno GP, for which an EIR was certified. The above-described environmental assessment, together with the full project-specific environmental review checklist and record of project approval, is available to the general public at the City of Fresno Planning and Development Department, 2600 Fresno Street, Room 3043, Fresno, California 93721-3604.
County Clerk
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