NOE - Repeal of Portable Luminaire Regulations
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
NOE - Repeal of Portable Luminaire Regulations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Rulemaking to repeal portable luminaires from the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations. The performance standards for portable luminaires have become redundant and unnecessary. The original energy saving goals of portable luminaire performance standards are now accomplished through the state-regulated lamp and general service lamp rulemakings. The lighting market has additionally transformed in such a way that all lighting products installed in portable luminaires being sold or offered for sale in California are energy efficient even without the portable luminaire standards in place. Removing this appliance type will help eliminate any potential confusion from the duplicative regulations. The light bulbs (lamps) used with portable luminaires will continue to be regulated. Accordingly, staff proposes to remove the “portable luminaire” appliance type from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations, which will include removing related definitions, testing requirements, performance standards, marking requirements, and data submittal requirements.
Contact Information
Carlos Baez
Agency Name
California Energy Commission
Job Title
Energy Commission Specialist 1
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Information
This rulemaking does not have a specific location, but impacts the Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations which contain regulations for appliances being sold in California.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
“Common sense” exemption (CEQA Guidelines, 15061, subd. (b)(3))
Reasons for Exemption
The effect of this repeal is to remove redundant and unnecessary regulations from Title 20. The original energy saving goals of the portable luminaires rulemaking are now accomplished though the state-regulated lamp and general service lamp regulations. This rulemaking will have no impact on the environment because portable luminaire lighting products are already regulated by other broader and more up-to-date regulations. This repeal will also help to clarify and streamline the CEC’s Appliance Efficiency Regulations, thereby benefitting regulated parties and the general public.