El Dorado County Middle-Mile Fiber Optic Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
El Dorado County
Document Title
El Dorado County Middle-Mile Fiber Optic Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Document Description
The El Dorado County Middle-Mile Fiber Optic Project (proposed project) would install a network of underground fiber optic cables aligned in the existing public right-of-way (ROW) within three project areas of Cool, Garden Valley, and Georgetown. The fiber optic routes would pass a variety of commercial and industrial parcels, residential areas, and public and private facilities; the proposed fiber optic routes are shown on Figure 2. The project does not include last-mile connections to residential, commercial, and industrial parcels; however, the project does include the construction of handholes, vaults, and splice points along the route so that future users can connect to the network after the project is completed. The project would install fiber optic cables along major roads and highways for the fiber optic routes, using existing public ROW. No ROW acquisition would be required under the project and staging areas would be within public ROW or previously developed public property (such as corporation yards, parking lots, etc.). The fiber optic cables would be installed using directional boring and/or open trenching. Typical depth would be 18 inches below surface, or lower if needed to avoid other utilities. Trenches would be a minimum of 18 inches deep, and approximately 12 inches wide.

Contact Information

Anna Leanza
Agency Name
El Dorado County, Planning and Building Department
Job Title
Sr. Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


El Dorado
Countywide, Unincorporated
Parcel #
Within Public Right of Way
State Highways
SR 49, SR 193, 16.66 linear mile
Knickerbocker Creek, Johntown Creek, Manhattan Creek, Georgetown Divide Ditch
Other Location Info
Within Public Right of Way

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Other (Fiber optic cable installation within existing ROWs )
Local Actions
Ministerial approvals
Project Issues
Biological Resources, Archeological/Historical; Tribal and Cultural Resources
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End
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