Edmonston Road Erosion Repairs


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Document Title
Edmonston Road Erosion Repairs
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
San Joaquin field division plans to repair several erosions, re-grade, and to remove tumbleweed and debris from drains along both sides of Edmonston Pumping Plant road. To do this work, they will use a dump truck, backhoe, water truck, and grader. A dump truck will be used to move material. A backhoe will be used to load and unload material into the dump truck, fill and compact erosions, and to remove debris and sediment from drains. A grader will be used to re-grade eroded areas. A water truck may be used to aid in compaction, control dust, and clean out drains. The spoil site and staging area is located within the Edmonston Pumping Plant fenced in area. The work is necessary to protect the integrity of the Edmonston Pumping Plant road, the only fully paved road that leads to the plant. All work is estimated to take one to two weeks to complete, and all work will take place within the DWR right-of-way.

Contact Information

Elizabeth Maldonado
Agency Name
Department of Water Resources, San Joaquin Field Division
Job Title
Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Countywide, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
Grapvine Road and Edmonston Pumping Plant Road
Other Location Info
The project site is located along both sides of the Edmonston Pumping Plant Road. The road starts at Grapvine Road (34°56'28.2"N 118°55'45.0"W) and ends at Edmonston Pumping Plant's front gate (34°56'50.8"N 118°49'44.7"W).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (b)
Reasons for Exemption
This project consists of maintenance activities that support the function of the California Aqueduct and water delivery within the State Water Project.
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