Slender-horned Spineflower Germination, Seed Bulking, and Direct Seeding Trial (Project) CDFW Permit No. 2081(a)-22-008-RP
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Conservation Planning
Document Title
Slender-horned Spineflower Germination, Seed Bulking, and Direct Seeding Trial (Project) CDFW Permit No. 2081(a)-22-008-RP
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is issuing a California Endangered Species Act (CESA) permit to San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District (Permit No. 2081(a)-22-008-RP) pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081(a) for a project to conduct slender-horned spineflower (Dodecahema leptoceras) germination, seed bulking, and direct seeding trials. Project activities will refine establishment methodologies and increase available seed resources for reintroduction and recovery efforts consistent with the development of a restoration plan for the Upper Santa Ana River Wash Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). The germination trial will begin in November 2022 at California Botanic Garden nursery facilities using seed collected in spring 2022 from the Upper Santa Ana River Wash under authority of CESA Permit No. 2081(a)-16-024-RP. Approximately five hundred plants are expected to be propagated from the trial and will be transplanted in January 2023 into a seed bulking plot established within the Upper Santa Ana River Wash Plan Preserve. All seeds will be harvested at the end of the growing season in 2023 to provide seed resources for future HCP reintroduction efforts. The Project will also conduct a direct seeding trial in November or December 2022 to examine the effectiveness of hand dispersing and raking-in on slender-horned spineflower establishment within the Upper Santa Ana River Wash. If establishment is successful, monitoring and site maintenance will be incorporated into the Upper Santa Ana River Wash HCP to be conducted over the course of 30 years.
Contact Information
Joanne Heraty
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Habitat Conservation Planning Branch
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist- Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Claremont, Redlands
Los Angeles, San Bernardino
Countywide, Southern California
Other Location Info
The Slender-horned Spineflower (Dodecahema leptoceras) Germination, Seed Bulking, and Direct Seeding Trial (Project) will take place in San Bernardino County in the Upper Santa Ana River Wash (34.09269, -117.15436). Seed germination and storage activities will take place in Los Angeles County at the California Botanic Garden nursery facilities in Claremont, CA (34.11095, -117.71466).
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15306 and 15307, Classes 6 and 7
Reasons for Exemption
The Project consists of basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities, as well as actions to support the maintenance, restoration, or enhancement of the endangered slender-horned spineflower. The permit issued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the Project includes measures to ensure that existing populations of slender-horned spineflower are not impacted, and that introduced populations are adequately protected.
County Clerks
Los Angeles, San Bernardino