Placerita Caltico Facilities Remediation Contracts Placerita Oil?Field??


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Conservation (DOC)
Document Title
Placerita Caltico Facilities Remediation Contracts Placerita Oil?Field??
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed Project consists of the Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) awarding one service contract from a Small Business Bid and two contracts that have been executed, Bid No. 2020-017 and Agreement Number 2020-026. The work covered by the bid and contracts would take place in the Placerita oil field in northern Los Angeles County. • The Small Business Bid is to contract for removal / remediation of 13 tank pads (Attachment, Figure 1), the removal of 3 pads (Attachment, Figure 2), and the investigation and clean out of 6 unknown possible well sites (Attachment, Figure 3). • Bid No. 2020-017 is a contract with General Production Services to plug and abandon 56 wells, which includes cleaning out the each well and plugging with cement and inert mud and restoring the surface at each site (Attachment, Figure 4). Work performed under this contract is 90% completed as of September 23, 2022. • Agreement Number 2020-026 is a contract with DrilTech Incorporated to plug and abandon the 1 well, 1 facility, 2 tank pads, all above-ground oilfield pipelines, remove oilfield related cement, and remove all oilfield related refuse (Attachment, Figure 4). Work performed under this contract is 65% completed as of September 23, 2022. Per Public Resources Code, § 3250 et. seq. hazardous and idle-deserted oil and gas wells are public nuisances and it is essential, in order to protect life, health, and natural resources, that such oil and gas wells be plugged and abandoned, re-abandoned, produced, or otherwise remedied to mitigate, minimize, or eliminate their danger to life, health, and natural resources.

Contact Information

Jan Perez
Agency Name
Department of Conservation, Geologic Energy Management Division
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
Placerita oil field

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 – Existing Facility (14 CCR § 15301)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt from CEQA under the “Class 1” (14 CCR § 15301) exemption per the CEQA Guidelines because the proposed project is a repair or minor alteration of existing facilities and will not involve an expansion of use of the oil field, and therefore is exempt from the need for full CEQA review.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 7 - Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of Natural Resources (14 CCR § 15307)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt from CEQA under the “Class 7” (14 CCR § 15307) exemption per the CEQA Guidelines because the work performed under these contracts would be the plugging and abandonment of 56 wells, restoration of 56 wells sites, the removal / remediation of tank pads, the removal of 3 pads, and the investigation and clean out of 6 unknown possible well sites.

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 8 - Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment (14 CCR § 15308)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is categorically exempt from CEQA under the “Class 8” (14 CCR § 15308) exemption per the CEQA Guidelines because the work performed under these contracts would be the plugging and abandonment of 56 wells, restoration of 56 wells sites, the removal / remediation of tank pads, the removal of 3 pads, and the investigation and clean out of 6 unknown possible well sites.
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