FPPUD Buried Pipeline Location Research Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Frazier Park Public Utility District
Document Title
FPPUD Buried Pipeline Location Research Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Frazier Park Public Utilities District (District) will consider approval and implementation of the Buried Pipeline Location Research Project to identify the location of existing corroded steel pipes. The information obtained from this field research program will be used to implement a future pipeline replacement program.

Contact Information

Jonnie Allison
Agency Name
Frazier Park Public Utility District (FPPUD)
Job Title
General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Southern California
Cross Streets
located in community of Frazier Park
State Highways

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
21080(b)(9); 21084; 15302 Class 6
Reasons for Exemption
The State CEQA Guidelines provide a series of Categorical Exemptions for projects that have been deemed to have minimal impacts on the environment. The proposed Buried Pipeline Location Research Project will gather information that will allow replacement of corroded, leaking pipelines in the future. This proposed information gathering project has no potential to cause significant adverse effects on the environment and will ensure that the management of water supply to the future service area will be ensured without significant adverse impact on the environment. The Class 6 Categorical Exemption reads “Class 6 consists of basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to any environmental resources. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes, or as a part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded.” The proposed action has been determined to fall within the scope of the Class 6 Exemption. Section 15306. Therefore, this proposed action qualifies with a Class 6 Categorical Exemption.
County Clerk
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