DWR Technical Surveys SSSRA Right of Entry permit
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
DWR Technical Surveys SSSRA Right of Entry permit
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A Right of Entry permit will be issued to the California Department of Water Resources to perform pedestrian technical surveys, which will inform the development of the proposed North Lake Project. The proposed plan for the North Lake Project is to develop a large aquatic habitat at the northern shore of the Salton Sea as a part of the Salton Sea Management Program (SSMP) Phase I 10-Year Plan. The California Department of Water Resources is proposing to conduct various surveys/studies to assist with determining the feasibility of implementing the proposed project components. Those surveys/studies include field surveys, engineering, utilities, biological, archaeological, cultural studies, and other incidental purposes as needed. Most of these activities are pedestrian in nature, and are completed by observation, walking around, photographing, and cataloguing various components.
Measures to be implemented to avoid impact may be obtained by submitting a request to the Environmental Coordinator listed below.
Contact Information
Sara Lockett
Agency Name
California State Parks, Ocotillo Wells District
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Other Location Info
Southwest of Varner Harbor, Salton Sea State Recreation Area
Other Information
APN 735-130-005 and 735-130-006
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 6, Section 15306
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed action complies with CEQA because it is: (1) categorically exempt under Class 6, Section 15306 of the CEQA Guidelines, Information Collection, as it involves basic data collection and resource evaluation activities which do not result in significant disturbance to an environmental resource; and (2) there are no unusual circumstances or other applicable exceptions to the exemptions.