San Quentin State Prison Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Space


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)
Document Title
San Quentin State Prison Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Space
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) proposes to remodel an existing vocational building to make room for Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) programs for inmates. The project consists of remodeling 10,616 square feet of space within Building 32 which involves construction of approximately 14 treatment classrooms, 6 offices and open office space for 25 work stations. The scope of work includes replacement windows and roof, installing walls and doors, drop ceilings, utilities, heating venting and air conditioning, voice and data connections and the addition of restrooms and fixtures compliant with current building codes and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. Upgrades to the fire alarm system, mezzanine area and electrical outlets and lighting will also be part of this project. All work shall be in compliance with CDCR Design and Construction Policy Guidelines, Building Codes, ADA and State Fire Marshal (SFM) requirements. The project will allow CDCR to provide rehabilitative programs to prepare inmates for integration into society, thus reducing recidivism rates.

Contact Information

Peter J Connelly, Jr
Agency Name
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Job Title
Environmental Planning Branch Chief
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Countywide, Northern California, San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
Sir Francis Drake Boulevard and Main Street
Total Acres
State Highways
Interstate 580
San Francisco Bay, Corte Madera Creek

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1; Sec 15301 (Existing Facilities)
Reasons for Exemption
This project involves no expansion of existing use and located within a previously disturbed area that is not considered environmentally or historically sensitive. This is one of a class of projects that the Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant effect on the environment, and therefore is declared categorically exempt from the requirement for preparing an environmental document.
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