Mendocino Fire Safe Council Community Chipper and Defensible Space Program
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State Coastal Conservancy
Document Title
Mendocino Fire Safe Council Community Chipper and Defensible Space Program
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project has two years of operations of the Community Chipper Program, work of the Brooktrails Greenbelt Defensible-Space Clearing project on 75 parcels, and purchase of a truck for safe transport of crews and gear in Mendocino County. Two years of operations will provide an estimated 120 chipper days throughout Mendocino County to approximately 800-1200 parcels (est. 2000-3000 residents). The Brooktrails Greenbelt Defensible-Space Clearing project will provide training and implementation for an existing crew from the Hopland Band of Pomo Indians to clear vegetation around structures on approximately 75 parcels of the Brooktrails Greenbelt. Finally, a truck will be purchased and used to transport equipment and crews for fuel reduction work in the County.
Contact Information
Lilly Allen
Agency Name
State Coastal Conservancy
Job Title
Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
14 CCR Section 15304, Section 15301, and Section 15269
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is categorically exempt under 14 CCR Section 15304 (Minor
Alterations to Land) because the project involves minor alterations in the condition of
vegetation without the removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees. The project is also exempt under Section 15301 (Existing Facilities), because it involves maintenance of existing landscaping and native growth, and Section 15269 (Emergency Projects), because it involves fuel management activities necessary to prevent catastrophic wildfire.