AC Water and Sewer Group 1049


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of San Diego
Document Title
AC Water and Sewer Group 1049
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project includes installation of approximately 26,118 linear feet (4.95 miles) of replace-in-place, realigned, and new 8-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch water main and installation of approximately 3,845 linear feet (0.73 miles) of replace-in-place and realigned 8-inch, 10-inch, and 15-inch sewer main. In addition, the project would rehabilitate approximately 2,457 linear feet (0.47 miles) of existing 8-inch and 15-inch sewer mains, rehabilitate existing manholes, and replace existing manholes. Related work would include potholing, water and sewer main abandonment, replacement of water services and laterals, fire hydrant installation, traffic control, street resurfacing, traffic striping, and curb ramp installation. The project will also install new manholes within paved areas on Glenn Curtiss Road. In addition, the project will upgrade existing bicycle facilities including installation of buffers, striping, markings, and signage within the City’s paved right-of-way, and upgrade existing parking facilities on Ponderosa Avenue. The project will also remove ornamental trees within existing easements and within Caltrans right-of-way. Disturbed areas would be revegetated, and erosion control measures implemented. A portion of the project occurs adjacent to the City’s Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) and will be required to comply with the MHPA Land Use Adjacency Guidelines as specified in Section 1.4.3 of the Multiple Species Conservation Program’s (MSCP) Subarea Plan.

Contact Information

Gretchen Eichar
Agency Name
City of San Diego Engineering and Capital Projects Department
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


San Diego
San Diego
Other Location Info
The Project is located within the City's public right-of-way and City easements on multiple streets.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15301 (b), (c), (d), and (h) [Existing Facilities], 15302 (c) [Replacement or Reconstruction], 15303 (d) [New C
Reasons for Exemption
The project meets the categorical exemption criteria set forth in CEQA State Guidelines, Section 15301 (b), (c), (d), and (h) [Existing Facilities], which consists of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use, including water and sewer main replacement, manhole replacement, water services, sewer main and manhole rehabilitation, bicycle facility upgrades, parking upgrades, street resurfacing, curb ramps, traffic striping, ornamental landscaping, water and sewer main abandonment; Section 15302 (c) [Replacement or Reconstruction], which consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, including replaced water and sewer mains, realigned water and sewer mains, manhole replacement, water services, and laterals; Section 15303 (d) [New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures], which consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures, including new manholes, new water and sewer mains and new fire hydrants; and where the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 would not apply.
County Clerk
San Diego
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