Del Loma Pavement/Down River Turnouts


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 2 (DOT)
Document Title
Del Loma Pavement/Down River Turnouts
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), using state and federal funding and local funding from the Trinity County Transportation Commission, is proposing a paving project on State Route (SR) 299 in Trinity County from post mile (PM) 15.0 to 25.7. The purpose of the project is to restore the facility to a state of good repair so that the roadway will be in a condition that requires minimal maintenance, to increase passing opportunities, and to widen paved shoulder widths. The project is needed because routine maintenance will no longer be sufficient to maintain reasonable ride quality. In addition, slow-moving vehicles and limited passing opportunities are causing delays and increasing travel times. The proposed improvements would include: Mainline Pavement Strategy from PM 15.0 to 25.7 • Grind 0.20-foot of asphalt concrete from edge of pavement (EP) to EP. • Excavate dig-outs where necessary. • Apply an asphalt rubber chip seal to act as a stress absorbing membrane interlayer to mitigate reflective cracking. • Overlay from EP to EP with 0.20-foot of rubberized hot mix asphalt. • Place shoulder backing. Lane Widening • Widen the existing 10-foot-wide lanes from PM 15.33 to 15.51 to 12-foot-wide lanes with 4-foot-wide shoulders. Structures • Construct an exposed retaining wall along the eastbound lane from PM 15.34 to 15.43. The wall would be approximately 460 feet long and 15 feet tall. Excavation depths associated with construction of the retaining wall are estimated at up to 20 feet. A soldier pile ground anchor wall is tentatively assumed, with a barrier slab, Type 836 concrete barrier with architectural treatment, and timber lagging. The soldier piles and ground anchors would be installed in drilled holes. Alternatively, a viaduct type structure may be utilized. Turnouts • Construct one turnout along the eastbound lane at PM 21.9 and one turnout along the westbound lane at PM 22.2. Each turnout would be approximately 650 feet long and 16 feet wide. Intersections • Maintain the existing geometry of intersections. • Conform to the existing roadway. • Grind and pave existing paved driveways to 25 feet from the edge of traveled way. Drainage Facilities • Replace 16 culverts, extend 2 culverts, and repair the invert of 1 concrete box culvert (Table 1). Where possible, replace 1.5-foot diameter or smaller culverts with 2-foot diameter culverts and armor drainage outlets as necessary. All culverts to be replaced, extended, and repaired are less than 10 feet deep and it is anticipated that a cut and cover strategy would be used. • Conduct dewatering/water diversions as needed. Table 1. Drainage Facilities Work Post Mile Proposed Work 15.40 Abandon, remove, or relocate existing corrugated steel pipe (CSP) culvert that is approximately 54.53 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter as necessary to compliment proposed retaining wall placement. If relocation is needed, the existing CSP culvert would be replaced with a new CSP culvert that is 60.0 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Armor outlet with rock slope protection (RSP) as necessary to prevent erosion and undermining at the toe of the wall. Adjust/replace drainage inlet (DI). 15.83 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 66.8 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 66.8 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 15.88 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 50.7 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 50.7 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. 18.20 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 45.2 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 45.2 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. 18.87 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 55.2 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 55.2 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 19.27 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 47.7 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 47.7 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 21.09 Repair the invert of the existing concrete box culvert that is approximately 38.4 feet long. 21.23 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 68.7 feet long x 2.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that has the same dimensions. 21.92 Replace the existing culvert that is 1.5 feet in diameter with a new culvert that is 2 feet in diameter and extend the approximately 53.4-foot-long culvert up to approximately 16 feet on the south side of the road. 22.31 Replace the existing culvert that is 1.5 feet in diameter with a new culvert that is 2 feet in diameter and extend the approximately 61.4-foot-long culvert up to approximately 16 feet on the north side of the road. 22.89 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 75.3 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 75.3 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 23.43 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 63.0 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 63.0 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. 23.49 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 62.6 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 62.6 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 23.52 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 84.6 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 84.6 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 24.66 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 79.3 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 79.3 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 24.78 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 55.6 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 55.6 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 25.04 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 41.7 feet long x 1.5 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that is approximately 41.7 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DI. 25.07 Replace section 2 to 3 in kind for the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 136.6 feet long x 2 feet in diameter. Adjust/replace DIs as necessary. 25.32 Replace the existing CSP culvert that is approximately 54.0 feet long x 2 feet in diameter with a new CSP culvert that has the same dimensions. Adjust/replace headwall. Signs and Delineation • Replace all green, blue, and brown guide signs throughout the project limits. • Install 4 new turnout signs. • Place sprayable thermoplastic for all traffic stripe and pavement markings. • Recess pavement markers. Traffic Monitoring Station (TMS) and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Elements • Protect in place an existing radio booster tower (an ITS Element) at PM 22.01. No TMS elements exist within the project limits. Traffic Safety • At the proposed retaining wall location, PM 15.34–15.43, replace the existing metal beam guard rail (MBGR) with a Type 836 concrete barrier. • Replace approximately 8,300 linear feet of MBGR with Midwest guardrail system. • Maintain existing paved turnouts and pullouts. Approximately 0.06 acres of vegetation would be removed to accommodate the proposed retaining wall between PM 15.34 and 15.43 and to potentially access borrow material from a hillside along the westbound lane between PM 22.3 and 22.5. Construction of the project would add approximately 0.76 acres of new impervious surface. Traffic management during construction would involve single lane closures and would utilize one-way reversing traffic control as needed. Depending on the design of the retaining wall between PM 15.34 to 15.43, construction of the project could take up to two construction seasons. Selection of a soldier pile wall design would require one construction season to build the project whereas selection of a viaduct design would require two construction seasons to build the project. Staging/Stockpiling Staging/stockpiling would occur at numerous graveled turnouts throughout the project limits and at one location outside the project limits (PM 14.4). The primary staging area would be at PM 25.6. Disposal/Borrow Sites No disposal sites would be utilized. Approximately 1.0 acres of soil would be disturbed to accommodate the proposed improvements. Excavated soil would be used as backfill onsite. If needed, fill material for the eastbound turnout at PM 21.9 would be obtained onsite by cutting into a hillside along the north side of the road between PM 22.3 and 22.5. Construction of the project would generate approximately 11,300 cubic yards of asphalt grindings, which would become property of the contractor. Asphalt grindings may be reused onsite (excluding a minimal amount of grindings associated with yellow and white road striping). Utilities No utilities would be relocated. An existing radio booster tower at PM 22.01 would be protected in place. Right-of-Way Most of the proposed work would occur inside Caltrans’ right-of-way on federal land that is managed by the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. Work occurring outside of Caltrans’ right-of-way is limited to drainage facilities work at PM 18.87, which is on federal land managed by the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. No right-of-way would be permanently acquired.

Contact Information

Darrin Doyle
Agency Name
Caltrans District 2
Job Title
Associate Environmental Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California
Other Location Info
The project is located on State Route 299 in Trinity County from post mile 15.0 to 25.7.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities, Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The California Department of Transportation has determined the project to be categorically exempt in accordance with Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) Class 1 - Operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency’s determination. The project would have no significant effect on the environment.
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