Collection System Master Plan Update
SCH Number
Public Agency
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Document Title
Collection System Master Plan Update
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Central San' s collection system comprises of over 1, 500 miles of gravity sewers, 21 miles of force mains, 18 pump stations, collection system operations facilities and equipment, and many other support facilities. The collection system includes several billions of dollars of assets which are critical for ensuring continuous operation and conveyance of over 13 billion gallons of wastewater per year. Within the next 10 years, Central San expects to invest nearly$ 335 million (M) in capital improvements for the Collection System Program. The project includes updating the sewer renovation program, based on asset risk and actual condition information; updating the large diameter inspection and renovation program, and initiating concrete corrosion investigation efforts; developing and pilot testing a large diameter siphon cleaning and inspection plan; updating the force main inspection and renovation program, and confirm upcoming pilot inspection efforts; and updating pump station existing facilities/inventory information, and performing condition assessment of pump stations with Central San Maintenance staff.
Contact Information
Russell B Leavitt
Agency Name
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San)
Job Title
Environmental Coordinator
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Alamo, Concord, Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, Moraga, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon, Walnut Creek
Contra Costa
Northern California, San Francisco Bay Area, Unincorporated
Other Location Info
Throughout central Contra Costa County
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
At its July 7, 2022 meeting, the Central San Board independently found that the proposed action was exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA under Central San’s CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it allows for further planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which Central San has not approved, adopted, or funded, and the outcome of these tasks will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. Central San will conduct an environmental evaluation of any environmental-altering, physical project that is proposed in the future as a result of these studies to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation.
County Clerk
Contra Costa