La Verne Pedestrian Bridge Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of La Verne
Document Title
La Verne Pedestrian Bridge Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) in cooperation with the City of La Verne is proposing the installation of the La Verne Pedestrian Bridge (proposed project) across Arrow Highway and the Metrolink rail corridor, at the future Metro L (Gold) Line La Verne Station adjacent to the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds. The proposed project includes the construction of a pedestrian bridge in close proximity to the Metro L (Gold) Line La Verne Station currently under construction. The proposed project is located on both sides of Arrow Highway, between Fairplex Drive/E Street to the west, and North White Avenue to the east. The proposed pedestrian bridge overcrossing will serve as a critical connector and signal to visitors that they are in the core of the La Verne Transit Oriented Development (TOD) area. The northern walkway of the pedestrian bridge would be adjacent to a future parking facility that would replace a vacant industrial building for sale, as described in the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Environmental Review. The proposed project is expected to make the area convenient for visitors to access and significantly reduce conflicts between pedestrian and vehicle movements.
Contact Information
Shawn Igoe
Agency Name
City of La Verne
Job Title
Public Works Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
La Verne
Los Angeles
Cross Streets
E Street/Arrow Highway
State Highways
Metrolink/Foothill Gold Line
Brackett Field Airport
University of La Verne
Live Oak Wash
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
SB 288, Section (PRC) 21080.25(b)(1)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project constitutes a new pedestrian facility as defined in Section 21080.25(b)(1). The City of La Verne is the lead agency, as lead agency, the City of La Verne has determined, based on the information in this memorandum, that the proposed project would be statutorily exempt from the CEQA pursuant to PRC Section 21080.25 (b)(1).
The proposed project meets the requirements outlined in PRC Section 21080.25(c) as follows:
1. A public agency is carrying out the project and is the lead agency for the project.
The City of La Verne is a public agency carrying out the project and is the lead agency for the project.
2. The project is located in an urbanized area.
The project is located in the City of La Verne in a fully built out urbanized environment. According to the 2010 US Census Urbanized Area Reference Map, the entire City of La Verne is located within the Los Angeles – Long Beach – Anaheim Urban Cluster.
3. The project is located on or within an existing public right-of-way.
The proposed project is located almost entirely within public right-of-way including a northern touchdown point within the Metro-owned parking lot associated with the Metro L (Gold) Line station with all support columns being located within the sidewalk along Arrow Highway or within the existing Arrow Highway median. The southern touchdown point is located within a vacant parcel owned by the Los Angeles County Fair Association. The intent of the proposed project is to provide public access to and from the proposed pedestrian bridge via a public access easement through the Los Angeles County Fair Association-owned parcel.
4. The project shall not add physical infrastructure that increases new automobile capacity on existing rights-of-way except for minor modifications needed for the efficient and safe movement of transit vehicles, such as extended merging lanes. The project shall not include the addition of any auxiliary lanes.
No changes to automobile capacity on Arrow Highway, or any other public street are proposed as part of the project. The proposed project consists of a bridge over Arrow Highway with minimal changes to the street geometry required other than minor. Arrow Highway would continue to provide three lanes of through traffic in each direction.
5. The construction of the project shall not require the demolition of affordable housing units.
No demolition of housing would be required as part of the proposed project. The project inhabits portions of the Metro L (Gold) Line station parking lot, sidewalks along Arrow Highway, and a vacant parcel currently used for parking associated with the Los Angeles County Fairgounds.
6. For a project exceeding one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) in 2020 United States dollars, a project exempt from under Section 21080.25 shall meet requirements 21080.25(c)(6)(A,B,C,D, and E)
The cost for the project is anticipated to be less than $100,000,000 in 2020 United States dollars; therefore, the project is not required to meet additional requirements under Section 21080.25(c)(6).
County Clerk
Los Angeles