Lower McCloud Fuels Management Project - SNC 1360


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Lower McCloud Fuels Management Project - SNC 1360
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Lower McCloud Fuels Management Project will establish approximately 1,505 acres of fuel management zones within the project area and allow for application of prescribed fire to the entire 12,043-acre project area. These activities will reduce fuel loads thereby decreasing the likelihood of losing key late-successional structure and forest in the Iron Canyon Late Successional Reserve, restoring fire’s natural and historic role to promote fire-related processes and ecological resiliency, improving firefighter access to employ suppression tactics, increasing public safety for people using access routes and developed recreation sites, and improving forest health to promote the long-term sustainability of late-successional habitat and watershed function.

Contact Information

Shannon Ciotti
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Job Title
Grants & Reimbursements Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


McCloud and Dunsmuir
Northern California

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
State code number: Public Resources Code Section 4799.05(d)(1)
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA does not apply to prescribed fire, thinning, or fuel reduction projects undertaken on federal lands to reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire that have been reviewed under NEPA if the primary role of a state or local agency is providing funding or staffing for those projects. The Sierra Nevada Conservancy would provide funding to conduct fuel reduction activities on 12,043 acres of federal lands within the Shasta-Trinity National Forest. The actions to be undertaken by this project were reviewed in their entirety pursuant to NEPA through an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The Decision Notice and FONSI for the project was signed by the Shasta-Trinity National Forest on August 4th, 2021.
County Clerk
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