Groundwater Sustainability Agency Status
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mono County
Document Title
Groundwater Sustainability Agency Status
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Action by the Mono County Board of Supervisors to become the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for all portions of the Owens Valley groundwater basin within Mono County but outside the boundaries of the Tri-Valley Groundwater Management District, and declaring the County's intention to become the groundwater sustainability agency for the Long Valley groundwater basin of Mono County, pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Act (SGMA).
Contact Information
Michael Draper
Agency Name
Mono County Community Development
Job Title
Planning Analyst
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Other Location Info
Owens Valley Groundwater Basin & Long Valley Groundwater Basin as defined by the California Department of Water Resources.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15307 and/or 15308 and/or 15320 and/or 15378
Reasons for Exemption
15307: Actions by Regulatory Agencies for protection of natural resources. Class 7. The project consists of an action taken by the Mono County Board of Supervisors to assure the protection of the natural resource, groundwater, within its jurisdiction. As a GSA, the County will be able to establish a structure for sustainable management of the groundwater basin within it's boundaries.
15308: Action by Regulatory Agencies for protection of the environment. Class 8. The project consists of an action taken by the Mono County Board of Supervisors to assure the protection of the environment within its jurisdiction. Sustainable groundwater management is vital to the surface-level ecosystems and environment within the County.
15320: Changes in organization of local agencies. Class 20. Mono County has withdrawn from the OVGA thereby leaving portions of the groundwater basin within Mono County unmanaged by the OVGA. Establishing Mono County as the GSA for portions of the groundwater basins does not change the geographical area in which previously existing powers are exercised.
15378: Definition of a "project". The Board decision to become a GSA does not constitute a "project"; the action makes no physical changes to the environment.
County Clerk