Le Grand-Athlone Water District Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project
3 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Le Grand Athlone Water District
Document Title
Le Grand-Athlone Water District Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
LGAWD Board of Directors in a joint effort with MID proposes to construct the Project. MID’s canal system provides the primary conveyance of surface water in the Merced Subbasin and is the Project’s water source. The Project will construct a critical piece of infrastructure to help LGAWD, and the larger Merced Groundwater Subbasin, become more sustainable through reduced reliance on groundwater pumping. The Project includes improvements, rehabilitation, and expansion of the existing MID canal capacity for approximately 9.8 miles and constructing approximately 4.9 miles of new canal and pipeline infrastructure from MID Booster Lateral #3 to LGAWD. The total Project Area of Potential Effect (APE) is approximately 320 acres.
The Project would be completed in three phases. Phase 1 would result in the construction of a new intertie canal from Mariposa Creek to Dutchman Creek. Phase 2 would result in the expansion of existing canal facilities from a point of the MID Le Grand Canal approximately 1.8 miles northeast of Planada and run 9.8 miles south to the MID Booster Lateral #3 at Mariposa Creek. Phase 3 would result in the construction of a new LGAWD pump station immediately south of Dutchman Creek and a new buried pipeline that would cross under the Sante Fe Railroad continuing on private property until it reaches the end of Earl Road. At this point, an open canal would connect to the pipeline and run to a point approximately one mile north of the Chowchilla River, completing the Project. Phases 1 and 3 would result in approximately 4.9 miles of new canal/pipeline facilities. The new canal would create a way for flood flows to be captured, recharged, or used for agricultural demands in LGAWD that would otherwise be lost, introducing a new surface water supply source. The Project would cross Owens, Mariposa, Little Deadman, Deadman, and Dutchman Creeks. To cross these creeks, the Project would result in the construction of multiple new canal siphon structures. Crossing Owens Creek, the Project would use existing infrastructure. In addition, the Project would construct numerous new culverts under existing roadways that the Project would cross, as well as jack and bore activities to install steel casing under the Sante Fe Railroad. Where the Project would cross roadways, a partial lane-split road closure would be used to maintain through traffic during construction.
The Merced Subbasin is considered to be in critical overdraft and the Project would decrease reliance on groundwater pumping, energy consumption, and subsidence in the southern Merced Subbasin, while creating a new surface water supply, optimizing recharge, and also providing direct benefits to underrepresented Communities in the Le Grand-Athlone area and the southern Merced Subbasin. Construction of Phases 1 and 3 would last approximately 18 months and have a crew of 8-10 workers, while Phase 2 would last approximately 18 months with a crew of 4-10 workers. Outlined within the figures and overall analyses discussion (found within Chapter 3 of this document) include known funded activities, in addition to future potential Project activities. Project activities are summarized below:
Phase 1 and 3:
Construction of new lined canal
Construction of new earth canal
Installation of new 63” Cement Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe
Construction of new canal inverts
Construction of new canal banks
Installation of new 84” CL III Rubber Gasketed Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RGRCP)
Installation of new 72” CL III RGRCP
Installation of new 84” RGRCP Siphons
Installation of new 72” RGRCP Siphons
Construction of a new LGAWD turnout
Construction of a new spill structures with Creek turnouts
Construction of a new pump station
Jack and bore activities, installing steel casing beneath Sante Fe Railroad
Installation of air vents
Installation of air release valves
Construction of new canal drop structure
Phase 2:
Replacement of Booster Pump #3 Station
Jack and bore activities, installing steel casing beneath Sante Fe Railroad
Enlargement of earth lined canal
Construction of new canal inverts
Removal of 72” Corrugated Metal Pipe, replaced with 84” CL III RGRCP
Enlargement of concrete lined canal, removal and replacement activities
Enlargement of concrete lined earth canal
Installation of new inverts
Installation of new 72” CL III RGRCP
Removal of culverts
Installation of new 60” CL III RGRCP
Installation of new 36” canal turnouts
Excavation and re-sloping of canal bank slopes for canal enlargement
Removal and replacement of farm bridges
Contact Information
Phil Janzen
Agency Name
Le Grand-Athlone Water District
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Total Acres
Le Grand Elementary
Deadman, Dutchman, Little Deadman, Mariposa, Owens Creeks
Other Location Info
The Le Grand-Athlone Water District (LGAWD or District) plans to construct the Le Grand-Athlone Water District Merced Irrigation District Canal Intertie Project (Project). The proposed Project is located within Merced County, California, approximately 110 miles southeast of Sacramento from its northern most point and 140 miles northwest of Bakersfield from its southern most point. This is a linear Project starting at the existing MID canal facilities approximately 1.8 miles northeast of the Town of Planada and continues south approximately 14.5-miles through agricultural, grazing, and open lands, ending approximately one mile north of the Chowchilla River.
Project Associated APN Parcels
068200009000 068030083000 053290021000 067010030000 053290020000 068190013000 068030047000 053290019000 068010001000 067010033000 068190005000 068030028000 053290018000 068010012000 068230057000 068200001000 068030090000 053290024000 068010010000 068030095000
068130041000 068030026000 053250014000 068010025000 068122009000 068130040000 068030089000 053150038000 068030024000 068122008000 068130006000 068010028000 053150040000 068030063000 068290020000 068130023000 068010016000 053150010000 068030086000 068290017000
068130005000 068010014000 053150009000 053100020000 068290011000 068030087000 068010027000 053150007000 053100038000 068290010000 068030069000 068010020000 053250003000 053100065000 068290009000 068030070000 068010026000 053100039000 053250002000 068290006000
068030051000 053290022000 053100030000 053250013000 068290013000 068030082000 053290016000 053100047000 053290017000
Other Information
Latitude and Longitude
The centroid of the Project area is 37° 14’ 16” N and 120° 13’ 50” W.
General Plan Designation & Zoning
The Project is located in a rural part of Merced County and designated for the following land uses:
A – Agriculture
FP – Foothill Pasture
In addition, the Project is zoned for the following:
A-1 – General Agriculture
A-2 – Exclusive Agriculture
Description of Project
LGAWD Board of Directors in a joint effort with MID proposes to construct the Project. MID’s canal system provides the primary conveyance of surface water in the Merced Subbasin and is the Project’s water source. The Project will construct a critical piece of infrastructure to help LGAWD, and the larger Merced Groundwater Subbasin, become more sustainable through reduced reliance on groundwater pumping. The Project includes improvements, rehabilitation, and expanding the existing MID canal capacity for approximately 9.8 miles and constructing approximately 4.9 miles of new canal and pipeline infrastructure from MID Booster Lateral #3 to LGAWD. The total Project are of potential effect is approximately 320 acres.
The Project would be completed in three phases. Phase 1 would result in the construction of a new intertie canal from Mariposa Creek to Dutchman Creek. Phase 2 would result in the expansion of existing canal facilities from a point of the MID Le Grand Canal approximately 1.8 miles northeast of Planada and run 9.8 miles south to the MID Booster Lateral #3 at Mariposa Creek. Phase 3 would result in the construction of a new LGAWD pump station immediately south of Dutchman Creek and a new buried pipeline that would cross under the Sante Fe Railroad continuing on private property until it reaches Earl Road. At this point an open canal would connect to the pipeline and run to a point approximately one mile north of the Chowchilla River, completing the Project. Phases 1 and 3 would result in approximately 4.9 miles of new canal/pipeline facilities. The new canal would create a way for flood flows to be captured, recharged, or used for agricultural demands in LGAWD that would otherwise be lost, introducing a new surface water supply source. The Project would cross Owens, Mariposa, Little Deadman, Deadman, and Dutchman Creeks. To cross these creeks, the Project would result in the construction of multiple new canal siphon structures. In addition, the Project would construct numerous new culverts under existing roadways that the Project would cross, as well as jack and bore activities to install steel casing under the Sante Fe Railroad. Where the Project would cross roadways, a partial lane-split road closure would be used to maintain through traffic during construction.
The Merced Subbasin is considered to be in critical overdraft and the Project would decrease reliance on groundwater pumping, energy consumption, and subsidence in the southern Merced Subbasin, while creating a new surface water supply, optimizing recharge, and also providing direct benefits to underrepresented Communities in the Le Grand-Athlone area and the southern Merced Subbasin. Construction of Phases 1 and 3 would last approximately 18 months and have a crew of 8-10 workers, while Phase 2 would last approximately 18 months with a crew of 4-10 workers. Project activities are summarized below:
Phase 1 and 3:
Replacement of Booster Pump #3 station
Construction of new lined canal
Construction of new earth canal
Installation of new 63” Cement Mortar Lined and Coated Steel Pipe
Construction of new canal inverts
Construction of new canal banks
Installation of new 84” CL III Rubber Gasketed Reinforced Concrete Pipe
Installation of new 72” CL III RGRCP
Installation of new 84” RGRCP Siphons
Installation of new 72” RGRCP Siphons
Construction of a new LGAWD turnout
Construction of a new spill structures with Creek turnouts
Construction of a new pump station
Jack and bore activities, installing steel casing beneath Sante Fe Railroad
Installation of air vents
Installation of air release valves
Construction of new canal drop structure
Phase 2:
Enlargement of earth lined canal
Construction of new canal inverts
Removal of 72” Corrugated Metal Pipe, replaced with 84” CL III RGRCP
Enlargement of concrete lined canal, removal and replacement activities
Enlargement of concrete lined earth canal
Installation of new inverts
Installation of new 72” CL III RGRCP
Removal of culverts
Installation of new 60” CL III RGRCP
Installation of new 36” canal turnouts
Excavation and re-sloping of canal bank slopes for canal enlargement
Removal and replacement of farm bridges
Site and Surrounding Land Uses and Setting
The Project located in the northern San Joaquin Valley section of the Central Valley and is bounded by Sierra Mountain Range and foothills to the east, Coastal Mountains to the west, with Highway 140 to the north, with some smaller towns and the City of Fresno to the south. The Project runs parallel, east of Highway 99. The Project is characterized by gently rolling terrain and flat areas. There are a number of creeks that run near or through the area and include Owens, Mariposa, Little Deadman, Deadman, and Dutchman Creeks. The Project area is dominated by agriculture uses such as row crops and orchards, as well as grazing lands with minor, rural, single-family residences surrounding the Project.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
Le Grand-Athlone Water District
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
Final Environmental Document Available at
Le Grand-Athlone Water District, ,216,Robertson Boulevard, Chowchilla, CA 93610
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA