Laguna Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Fuel Tank and Fleet Fueling
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Rosa
Document Title
Laguna Treatment Plant Emergency Generator Fuel Tank and Fleet Fueling
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
• Emergency Generators Fuel Tank Replacement: Demolition of existing below-grade 15,000-gallon, steel, diesel fuel storage tank that serves the LTP's emergency engine generators. The tank is buried adjacent to the existing Emergency Generator Building. The existing tank will be replaced with an above-grade 20,000-gallon, double-walled carbon steel diesel fuel storage tank, to be located on a vacant parcel within the LTP approximately 100 feet from the emergency generator building. New below-grade 2-inch double-contained diesel fuel piping will be routed from the new 20,000-gallon fuel tank to the existing emergency engine generators. The existing below-grade tank and piping will be removed in accordance with codes and regulations.
• Diesel Dispensing Station Demolition: The diesel tank also serves the existing vehicle dispensing station, located to the north of the Emergency Generator Building. This existing diesel fuel dispensing station and existing below-grade 2-inch double-contained diesel fuel piping will be demolished and replaced with a new a dual fuel (gasoline/diesel) dispensing unit.
New Gasoline/Diesel Storage Tank and Fuel Dispensing Units: Installation of a new above-grade 1,500-gallon dual compartment gasoline/diesel storage tank and dispensing units (one for gasoline, one for diesel). The new double-walled carbon-steel dual-fuel storage and dispensing units will be installed on the same concrete pad as the 20,000-gallon diesel storage tank. The fuel storage tank is separated in individual compartments (1,000-gallon for gasoline; 500-gallon for diesel).
Contact Information
Amy Nicholson
Agency Name
City of Santa Rosa
Job Title
Environmental Coordinator
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Rosa
Citywide, Countywide
Other Location Info
Laguna Treatment Plant
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facility - 15301 and New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures - 15303
Reasons for Exemption
New Gasoline/Diesel Storage Tank and Fuel Dispensing Units: Installation of a new above-grade 1,500-gallon dual compartment gasoline/diesel storage tank and dispensing units (one for gasoline, one for diesel). The new double-walled carbon-steel dual-fuel storage and dispensing units will be installed on the same concrete pad as the 20,000-gallon diesel storage tank. The fuel storage tank is separated in individual compartments (1,000-gallon for gasoline; 500-gallon for diesel).
County Clerk