Huckleberry Island Water Main Repair Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Lorenzo Valley Water District
Document Title
Huckleberry Island Water Main Repair Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is the repair of a water main that crosses the San Lorenzo River. On September 6, 2021 the SLVWD suffered a major break of a 12-inch main between the District's Felton wells and its Boulder Creek system. This main, generally referred to as the "HUD main", is the primary backbone used to move well water north in the summer and treated surface water south in the winter. After the 2020 CZU Complex Fires the HUD main is the only potable water source into the District's north system (Ben Lomond, Brookdale and Boulder Creek). The project is to implement permanent repairs to the water main to ensure potable water supply for these communities. The alignment of the new 12-inch main will make connection to the existing main east of Huckleberry Island and north of Pacific Street, run southward to Pacific Street (a private ROW) to the eastern corner of the Huckleberry Island bridge. sting 12-inch main north and west of the recent break location.

Contact Information

Josh Wolff
Agency Name
San Lorenzo Valley Water District
Job Title
District Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


unincorporated Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
Cross Streets
Northwest of the the junction of State Highway 9 and Pacific Avenue
Parcel #
State Highways
San Lorenzo River

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(4); 15269(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
Emergency repairs to publicly or privately owned service facilities are necessary to maintain service essential to the public health, safety or welfare. Emergency repairs include those that require a reasonable amount of planning to address an anticipated emergency. The District will conduct all construction outside of the top of bank, riparian habitat, and out of the stream (San Lorenzo River).
County Clerk
Santa Cruz
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