Resolution No. R-2022-07 Initiating Annexation Proceedings for Hamer Island


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Placentia
Document Title
Resolution No. R-2022-07 Initiating Annexation Proceedings for Hamer Island
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Adoption of Resolution No. R-2022-07 initiating annexation proceedings for Hamer Island, which is an unincorporated island within the sphere of influence of the City of Placentia and entirely surrounded by the City of Placentia. Hamer Island consists of 76 acres of unincorporated territory with 346 single-family homes approximately 1,045 residents.

Contact Information

Joseph Lambert
Agency Name
City of Placentia
Job Title
Development Services Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Southern California, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
North of East Palm Avenue, between Valencia Avenue and North Rose Drive
Total Acres

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The annexation proceedings action is categorically exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15319(a) (Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lot for Exempt Facilities). The Hamer Island area to be annexed contains existing public and private structures development to a density allowed by the current Orange Count zoning and changing the zoning to Placentia's zoning has little to no impact because the zoning is similar. Further, the annexation will no add any new utility services to the existing facilities, and therefore "the extension of utility services to the existing facilities would have a capacity to serve only the existing facilities." There is no evidence that the annexation invoices any unusual circumstances that might cause a significant effect on the environment. (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2(C)). Therefore, the Placentia City Council on February 15, 2022, acting as lead agency, determined based on evidence presented at the hearing on the matter that a Class 19 Categorical Exemption was the appropriate CEQA environmental action. The City Council adopted Resolution No. R-2022-07 finding that there was no evidence from which could be fairly argued that the annexation action will have a significant adverse effect on the environment.
County Clerk
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