1300 East Highland Avenue Self-Storage Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of San Bernardino
Document Title
1300 East Highland Avenue Self-Storage Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The approximately 4.23-acre subject property consists of four parcels (i.e., APNs 0150-471-04-0000, 0150-471-05-0000, 0150-471-06-0000, 0150-471-07-0000) situated northeast of the East Highland Avenue at North Golden Avenue intersection, at 1300 East Highland Avenue, City of Highland. The Project proposes to demolish all existing onsite improvements and in their place construct an approximately 92,110-square foot (SF) self-storage facility. Pursuant to City of San Bernardino Public Works Conditions of Approval (COA), the Project is required to dedicate property and either construct or pay an in-lieu fee for various offsite street improvements as detailed below: Property Dedication (approximately 0.07 acre or 3,238 SF): Along the Highland Avenue property frontage, the Project is required to dedicate 8.75 feet for street right-of-way (ROW) (approximately 370 feet) to provide the distance from street centerline (CL) to property line (PL) required for a Major Arterial (i.e., 50 feet total one-half width ROW). Accounting for this dedication, the net Project site would total approximately 4.15 acres. This condition also requires that the curb line be relocated 4.0 feet and placed 36 feet from street CL. The Project will pay an in-lieu fee to the City for the curb line relocation (as well as construction of new curb, gutter, sidewalk, Bike Lane, and bus stop pad), for future construction by the City. Offsite Street Improvements (within ROW inclusive of dedication): The offsite improvements described below would occur on approximately 0.43 acre (approximately 18,740 SF). Accounting for these offsite improvements, the Project site would total approximately 4.6 acres. • Two new driveways would be constructed along the Project frontage. Additionally, the Project would rehabilitate Highland Avenue from street CL to PL l (i.e., one-half width ROW). The new curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Project frontage are future construction by the City. • A type II Bike Lane along the Project frontage and the bus stop street pad would be future construction by the City. • The existing street light would be removed and replaced with two new LED street lights in accordance with City standards. • The existing overhead power line along the Project frontage would be undergrounded for approximately 450 linear feet, from the Project site’s eastern property line to approximately 80 feet beyond western property line.

Contact Information

Michael Rosales
Agency Name
City of San Bernardino Community & Economic Development
Job Title
Associate Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Bernardino
San Bernardino
Southern California
Cross Streets
East Highland Avenue, North Golden Avenue
Total Acres
Parcel #
0150-471-04-0000, 0150-471-05-0000, 0150-471-06-0000, 0150-471-07-0000
State Highways
SR-210, SR-18
San Bernardino International
Jefferson Hunt Elementary School, Pacific High School
Highland Creek

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 32: Section 15332, Infill Development
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed Project has been determined to not have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, is found to be exempt from CEQA under a Class 32 CE, see attached CEQA Compliance TM. The proposed building expansion is consistent with the City's General Plan and Development Code. The Project would occur within City limits on no more than 5.0 acres, and is substantially surrounded by urban uses. The Project site was previously improved and has no value as habitat to rare, endangered, or threatened species. Project approval would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. All required utilities and public services can adequately serve the site. Finally, the Project does not meet any of the exceptions that would bar a CE (State CEQA Guidelines §15300.2).
County Clerk
San Bernardino
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