Jones Corner_Burns_Los Robles Basins Project
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Porterville Irrigation District
Document Title
Jones Corner_Burns_Los Robles Basins Project
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
Project Description
Project Location
The proposed Project is located in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California, in Tulare County. The proposed Project will consist of three water banking facilities, two that are already constructed (Burns and Los Robles) and one that is being constructed as part of this Project (Jones Corner). All three sites are located near the city of Porterville. The Jones Corner and Burns sites are located 1.75-miles west of the City and the Los Robles site is located 1.3-miles northwest of the City.
Jones Corner Site: Avenue 152 runs along the north boundary of Area of Potential Effect (APE) with the Friant-Kern Canal to the east with agricultural plots on all sides. The APE is approximately 67 acres (water bank and reconstruction of 4,000 linear-feet of Rhodes-Fine Ditch). Water Bank APN: 236-150-013. Rhodes-Fine Ditch reconstruction includes portions of the following APNs: 236-290-011, 236-150-013, 240-150-014, 240-150-035, 240-150-010, and 240-150-032.
Burns Site: Avenue 152 runs along the south boundary of APE with the Friant-Kern Canal to the east with agricultural plots on all sides. The APE is 8.8 acres. APN: 236-290-008.
Los Robles Site: The north, south, east and west of the APE borders along agricultural farmland plots. Avenue 168 runs along a portion of the APE to the east. Road 208 is approximately 0.90-miles west of APE. Highway 65 is approximately two miles east. The APE is 9.7 acres. APNs: 243-360-004 and 243-370-004.
Project Site Lat/Long Coordinates
Jones Corner Site 36° 03’ 49.94” N 119° 06’ 43.09” W
Burns Site 36° 04’ 00.55” N 119° 06’ 47.04” W
Los Robles Site 36° 06’ 10.19” N 119° 05’ 23.02” W
Project Site APNs
Jones Corner Site 236-150-013,
Burns Site 236-140-069
Los Robles Site 243-360-004
Project Site Section/Township/Range
Jones Corner Site T21S R26E, Sections 25 and 36, T21S R27E Section 31
Burns Site T21S R26E, Section 25
Los Robles Site T21S R27E, Section 18
Project Summary
The proposed Project consists of three sites. Each location is described below.
Jones Corner Water Bank (Planned)
The Jones Corner Water Bank, located southwest of the intersection of Avenue 152 and Road 208, will entail construction of 58-acres of recharge basins and re-construction of approximately 4,000 linear-feet of the Rhodes Fine Ditch from an existing check structure immediately west of the Friant-Kern Canal (FKC) to Avenue 152 into an enlarged, lined canal, or a buried pipeline up to 48-inches in diameter, or potentially a combination of the two. The construction of an enlarged canal for approximately the first half mile of the new facility may shift the centerline of the Rhodes-Fine Ditch north by approximately 8-10 feet and will require the removal of one row of walnut trees on APN 240-150-010 and an easement with the landowner. Without such easement from the current landowner, the first half mile of the Rhodes-Fine Ditch will be replaced entirely with an underground pipeline. The remaining nearly third of a mile of the reconstructed facility will follow the existing Rhodes-Fine Ditch alignment and will be replaced entirely with a pipeline. The facility will cross Road 208 and supply water to the Jones Corner basin via a reconstructed District turnout.
Jones Corner facilities may also include the periodic use of temporary pumps to lift water from the FKC into the Rhodes-Fine Ditch or periodic use of temporary pumps to lift water from the Lower Tule River Irrigation District (LTRID) Tule River Intertie Ditch into the recharge basins (contingent on approval from LTRID). These temporary pumps will be placed on top of the ground, not causing any ground disturbance. For the purposes of modeling air quality impacts from these pumps it was assumed that the pumps will be placed approximately 250 meters from the nearest sensitive receptors and will run for a maximum of 6,600 pump hours (up to six (6) 100-horsepower pumps running for 1,100 hours each) within a 12-month period. Should any additional pump hours be needed the pumps will be placed approximately 500 meters from any sensitive receptors in the area.
The Project will not include installation of recovery wells. No water will be returned into the FKC or Tule River Intertie Ditch. Four piezometers will be installed along the Jones Corner Water Bank perimeter, two on the western border, and two on the northwest border, to monitor shallow water levels adjacent to the LTRID facility. A flow meter and a water level monitoring transducer will be installed at the proposed recharge basin. Both the flowmeter and water level measurement will have data loggers and cloud-based telemetry for reporting and operations.
Construction activities at the Jones Corner site will take approximately six months to complete. Construction equipment will likely include excavators, backhoes, graders, skid steers, loaders, and hauling trucks. Generally, construction will occur between the hours of 7am and 5pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Post-construction activities will include system testing, commissioning, and site clean-up. Construction will require temporary staging and storage of materials and equipment. Staging areas will be located onsite.
Burns Water Bank (Existing)
The Burns Water Bank site, located across the street from the Jones Corner Water Bank, north of Avenue 152, currently consists of an 8.8 acre recharge basin, two piezometers, a flow meter with logger with cloud-based telemetry, and a water level monitoring transducer with cloud-based telemetry. The Burns Water Bank may also periodically use temporary pumps to lift water from the FKC into the Rhodes-Fine Ditch or from the LTRID Tule River Intertie Ditch into the water bank. These temporary pumps are placed on top of the ground, not causing any ground disturbance. No water will be put back into the FKC or Tule River Intertie Ditch. The Project will not include installation of recovery wells.
Los Robles Water Bank (Existing)
The Los Robles Water Bank site, located on the Los Robles property, along the Porter Slough Ditch, west of Los Robles Ave, currently consists of a 9.7 acre recharge basin, a turnout from the Porter Slough Ditch, a flow meter with data logger with cloud-based telemetry, and a water level monitoring transducer with cloud-based telemetry. The Los Robles Water Bank will use existing facilities to gravity deliver water from the Porter Slough Ditch into the water bank. No water will be put back in the FKC or the Porter Slough Ditch. The Project will not include installation of recovery wells.
Recharge Operations
It is anticipated that the Project will primarily bank Friant water. It is possible that the Project might bank water from other systems, but separate approvals will be secured, if required. As required by the Banking Policy, 10% to 30% of the recharged water will be allocated to PID’s storage account, depending on the source and destination. Water deliveries to the banks take place as described in Chapter 2 of the IS/MND.
Transfer Recovery Operations
The Project will not include construction of recovery wells. There will also be no recovered water returned to the FKC. All banked water recovery will take place through in-ground transfers, as described in Chapter 2 of the IS/MND.
Monitoring and Operational Constraint Plan (MOCP)
The Project will be designed, operated, and monitored in a manner to ensure that the beneficial effects of the Project are maximized while preventing significant unacceptable impacts to the aquifer, groundwater levels, groundwater quality, the FKC, or adjacent landowners relative to conditions that would have occurred absent the Project. A Monitoring Committee will be formed to ensure that district interests, adjacent landowners and FKC interests are protected. A full description of the MOCP can be found in Chapter 2 of the IS/MND.
Ground Water Accounting and Monitoring
Ground water monitoring will involve water level monitoring, baseline water quality sampling, annual monitoring, and water accounting and monitoring. Full discussion of each of these monitoring steps can be found in Chapter 2 of the IS/MND.
Contact Information
Nick Keller
Agency Name
Porterville Irrigation District
Job Title
Acting General Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
Avenue 152 and Friant Kern Canal
Total Acres
Friant Kern Canal
Other Location Info
Jones Corner Site T21S R26E, Sections 25 and 36, T21S R27E Section 31
Burns Site T21S R26E, Section 25
Los Robles Site T21S R27E, Section 18
Other Information
Project Location
The proposed Project is located in the Central San Joaquin Valley of California, in Tulare County. The proposed Project will consist of three water banking facilities, two that are already constructed (Burns and Los Robles) and one that is being constructed as part of this Project (Jones Corner). All three sites are located near the city of Porterville. The Jones Corner and Burns sites are located 1.75-miles west of the City and the Los Robles site is located 1.3-miles northwest of the City.
Jones Corner Site: Avenue 152 runs along the north boundary of Area of Potential Effect (APE) with the Friant-Kern Canal to the east with agricultural plots on all sides. The APE is approximately 67 acres (water bank and reconstruction of 4,000 linear-feet of Rhodes-Fine Ditch). Water Bank APN: 236-150-013. Rhodes-Fine Ditch reconstruction includes portions of the following APNs: 236-290-011, 236-150-013, 240-150-014, 240-150-035, 240-150-010, and 240-150-032.
Burns Site: Avenue 152 runs along the south boundary of APE with the Friant-Kern Canal to the east with agricultural plots on all sides. The APE is 8.8 acres. APN: 236-290-008.
Los Robles Site: The north, south, east and west of the APE borders along agricultural farmland plots. Avenue 168 runs along a portion of the APE to the east. Road 208 is approximately 0.90-miles west of APE. Highway 65 is approximately two miles east. The APE is 9.7 acres. APNs: 243-360-004 and 243-370-004.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
Porterville Irrigation District
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
Final Environmental Document Available at
22086 Avenue 160, Porterville, CA 93257
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA