Hidden Valley Lake Community Services - Water Tank Replacement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Lake County
Document Title
Hidden Valley Lake Community Services - Water Tank Replacement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the proposed project is to increase storage capacity for drinking water for the community of Hidden Valley Lake. The current tank has been in place for 55 years. The community has grown considerably and the needs of the community have increased. Additionally, due to the extreme drought conditions in Lake County, the increased capacity of the additional tanks is intended to ensure adequate water supplies for the community and ensure protection of health, safety, and the environment. In addition to the severe drought conditions, Lake County has experienced multiple large scale high intensity wildfires, events exacerbated by severe drought conditions. Having additional storage capacity, ensures sufficient available water during wildfire emergencies.
The proposed project would replace the existing 150,000-gallon redwood tank that has been in service for 55 years (originally constructed in 1964) with two bolted steel tanks with a combined 500,000-gallon capacity. Existing distribution piping beyond tank connections would not be enlarged. The new tanks would be located on either side of the existing tank, which would remain in service during construction of the first tank (Tank 9A, to the west). The second tank, Tank 9B to the east, would be constructed after the existing tank is demolished.
The current tank site has been graded to form a level pad for the existing Unit 9 tank and the adjacent Zone 9 booster pump station (12’x24’). The tank parcel has largely been cleared of vegetation except for brush on the hillside on the east side of the existing tank and landscaping trees to the south of the pump station. A security fence borders the property.
Project improvements include grading to expand the tank pad, constructing concrete retaining walls (up to 6’ high for Tank 9A and 10’ high for Tank 9B), expanding the asphalt-paved driveway to provide vehicle access around each tank, adjusting water main piping, removing trees and shrubs to accommodate site grading, and installing concrete perimeter tank foundations and new security fencing. Tree pruning and weed abatement would be conducted on vegetation within the 100’ defensible perimeter around each tank. The project would require the removal of approximately 23 trees. The tanks would both be 24.5-feet tall with 44.5 feet diameters, with a base elevation of 1603.5 feet.
Contact Information
Tracy Cline
Agency Name
County of Lake, Community Development Department
Job Title
Associate Resource Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
16393 Eagle Road, Hidden Valley Lake, CA 95467
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Emergency Project
Type, Section or Code
Section 15269(a)(b)(c)
Reasons for Exemption
On April 12, 2021, May 10, 2021, July 8, 2021 and October 19, 2021, the Governor of California, Gavin Newsome, proclaimed states of emergency to exist throughout California due to severe drought conditions. The proclamation stated “the increasing frequency of multiyear droughts presents a significant risk to California’s ability to ensure adequate water supplies for communities”. The proclamation goes on to state that it is “necessary to expeditiously mitigate the effects of the drought conditions to ensure the protection of health, safety and the environment”. Three operative orders of the proclamation apply to this project. Operative paragraphs 2, 6, 7 and 12 would be appropriately applied to this project.
Paragraph 2 states, “the orders and provisions contained in the April 21, May 10 and July 8 Proclamations remain in full force and effect. State agencies shall continue to implement all direction from those Proclamations and accelerate implementation where feasible.”
Paragraph 6 states, “As necessary to assist local governments and for the protection of public health and the environment, state agencies shall enter into contracts to arrange for the procurement of materials, goods, and services necessary to quickly assist with the response to and recovery from the impacts of the drought.”
Paragraph 7 states, “To proactively prevent situations where a community runs out of drinking water, the Water Board, the Department of Water Resources, the Office of Emergency Services, and the Office of Planning and Research shall assist local agencies with identifying acute drinking water shortages in domestic water supplies, and shall work with local agencies in implementing solutions to those water shortages.”
Paragraph 12 states, “For purposes of carrying out or approving any actions contemplated by the directives in operative paragraphs 5, 6 and 9, the environmental review by state agencies required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in Public Resources Code, Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) and regulations adopted pursuant to that Division are hereby suspended to the extent necessary to address the impacts of the drought.”
The County of Lake Community Development Department finds that this project complies with the intent and overall direction of the State Proclamations of Emergency and is thereby exempt from the provisions of CEQA.
County Clerk