Gull Lake EWM Solutions


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Deserts Region 6 (CDFW)
Document Title
Gull Lake EWM Solutions
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has Notification of Lake or Streambed Alteration, EPIMS Notification No. MOO-17346-R6, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to Save Gull Lake, LLC as represented by James Roorda. The Project is limited to a pilot project that will utilize an inversion aeration system to control the Eurasian water milfoil infestations at Gull Lake. The aeration system will produce laminar non-turbulent flow and increase oxygen levels throughout the water column and in the shallow sediments. The increase in oxygen levels throughout the water column should start a sequence of events that provides aquatic weed control, improves water quality, reduces organic muck nutrients, odor, harmful gases, coliform bacteria, nuisance algae growth and increases fish growth and health. The inversion aeration system includes a 5.6 horsepower rotary claw compressor, six to eight microporous ceramic diffusers with check valves, ~3,000 feet of self-sinking airline and ~120-feet of high temperature airline. The diffusers will be placed by boat just beyond the weed line in about 35 feet of water. The compressors will run constantly throughout the duration of the Project and depending on the success of the Project, may become a permanent installation

Contact Information

Alyssa Marquez
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


June Lake
Northern California
Cross Streets
Granite Ave

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The Project includes installation of an inversion aeration system on the existing marina dock. This will result in no impacts to the bank of the lake, and minor alterations to the bed (as a result of the aeration system mixing up sediments settled on the lake bottom). Additionally, the aeration system will release additional oxygen into the lake which is anticipated to have positive results on the lake ecosystem and minimal negative alterations to the lake water and native vegetation.
County Clerk
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