2021 Capital Improvement Project: Water Main Replacement Old River Road and Vicinity
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sweetwater Springs Water District
Document Title
2021 Capital Improvement Project: Water Main Replacement Old River Road and Vicinity
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sweetwater Springs Water District proposes to continue their ongoing program to replace aging and undersized water system infrastructure. The purpose of the proposed Project is to replace a water system that has reached the end of its service life, improve water service flows, improve customer water quality, improve fire protection and reduce water losses from leaks, while minimizing the need for future maintenance. The proposed Project would not increase the capacity of the water system, but rather update the undersized infrastructure system to adequately support the existing capacity and provide adequate fire protection.
Please see the attached Addendum for the full Project description.
The Project would be exempt from CEQA per Section 21000-21177, Public Resources Code; Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Section 15000-15387, California Code of Regulations due to the following exemption: 15302. Replacement or Reconstruction.
Contact Information
Ed Fortner
Agency Name
Sweetwater Springs Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Countywide, Northern California, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
Old River Road, Woodland Drive, Bonita Avenue, Morningside Drive, Palo Alto Drive
State Highways
Highway 116
Russian River
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302. Replacement or Reconstruction
Reasons for Exemption
The District proposes to continue their ongoing program to replace aging and undersized water system infrastructure. The purpose of the proposed Project is to improve water service flows, improve customer water quality, improve fire protection and reduce water losses from leaks, while minimizing the need for future maintenance. The proposed Project would not increase the capacity of the water system, but rather update the undersized infrastructure system to adequately support the existing capacity and provide adequate fire protection. There are no new customer service connections anticipated, as the lots are already developed and there is no room for further expansion. The National Fire Protection Association Code provides regulations under NFPA 13 Section stating “Private fire service mains must be at least 6-inch diameter where they supply hydrants” and under NFPA 24 Section 13.1 stating “Pipe smaller than 6 inch in diameter shall not be installed as a private service main supplying hydrants.” Discharge water flow rates would remain the same regardless of the new waterlines and service connections. Therefore, the proposed Project would not increase the capacity of the water distribution system. The new pipelines would not be able to support more than the planned services for the area and would not encourage future growth, so as to require an expansion in capacity. The proposed Project would merely replace the existing infrastructure in order to meet existing daily demand as well as improve water quality, fire protection, and efficiency. Therefore, the Project is consistent with the example provided in 15302(c), as the replacement of the pipelines would result in no expansion of capacity.
County Clerk