Shasta-Trinity National Forest Restoration
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Wildlife Conservation Board
Document Title
Shasta-Trinity National Forest Restoration
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project will enhance forest health, meadow function, and reduce hazardous fuels through selective thinning and reforestation activities on approximately 1,290 acres in Shasta-Trinity National Forest. WCB Project ID: 2020135.
Contact Information
John P. Donnelly
Agency Name
Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Shasta-Trinity National Forest, approximately 23 miles east-northeast of
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
State Section number and type: 15301 Existing Facilities; 15304 Minor Alterations to Land
Reasons for Exemption
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 4799.05, subdivision (d), CEQA does not apply to prescribed fire, thinning, or fuel reduction projects undertaken on federal lands to reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire that have been reviewed under the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), under specified circumstances. On February 7, 2020, the Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency certified that the exemption in Public Resources Code Section 4799.05 should remain in effect. NEPA review for the work to be conducted under the project has been completed through the Van Bremmer Project Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice prepared by Klamath National Forest and signed on February 3, 2010, the Round Valley Fuels Reduction and Vegetation Management Project Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision (ROD) prepared by Klamath National Forest and signed on April 2, 2009, and the Butte Mountain Late Successional Reserve Habitat Restoration Project Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice prepared by Klamath National Forest and signed on February 26, 2014. The proposed activities are within the scope of ROD and Decision Memos. In
addition, were CEQA applicable to the project, the activities comprising the project would constitute maintenance of Existing Facilities (Class 1), such as topographical features including wildlife habitat areas to protect wildlife resources, as well as Minor Alterations to Land (Class 4) and be Categorically Exempt from CEQA.
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
State code Number: PRC Section 4799.05(d)
Reasons for Exemption
Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 4799.05, subdivision (d), CEQA does not apply to prescribed fire, thinning, or fuel reduction projects undertaken on federal lands to reduce the risk of high-severity wildfire that have been reviewed under the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), under specified circumstances. On February 7, 2020, the Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency certified that the exemption in Public Resources Code Section 4799.05 should remain in effect. NEPA review for the work to be conducted under the project has been completed through the Van Bremmer Project Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice prepared by Klamath National Forest and signed on February 3, 2010, the Round Valley Fuels Reduction and Vegetation Management Project Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision (ROD) prepared by Klamath National Forest and signed on April 2, 2009, and the Butte Mountain Late Successional Reserve Habitat Restoration Project Environmental Assessment and Decision Notice prepared by Klamath National Forest and signed on February 26, 2014. The proposed activities are within the scope of ROD and Decision Memos. In
addition, were CEQA applicable to the project, the activities comprising the project would constitute maintenance of Existing Facilities (Class 1), such as topographical features including wildlife habitat areas to protect wildlife resources, as well as Minor Alterations to Land (Class 4) and be Categorically Exempt from CEQA.